Hi John,
One step at a time, looking at your database model,  how does 'copies' 
relate to a book ?  You are missing a foreign key reference.   Are there 
any other attributes that a copy may have ?

On Saturday, May 24, 2014 7:30:35 AM UTC+10, john smith wrote:
> I'm trying to create library system and have a little problem. Here's my 
> current model:
> db.define_table('tags', 
> Field('name'),format='%(name)s') 
> db.define_table('copies',
>     Field('is_active','boolean',default=True))
> db.define_table('book',
> Field('title',requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(), label='Tytuł'),
> Field('author', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(), label='Autor'),
> Field('isbn', 'integer', requires=IS_LENGTH(13), label='ISBN'),
> Field('release_year', 'integer', requires=IS_INT_IN_RANGE(-3000, 
> request.utcnow.year+1), label='Rok wydania'),
> Field('format', label='Format'),
> Field('cover', 'upload', requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IMAGE()), 
> label='Okładka'),
> Field('publisher', label='Wydawca'),
> Field('tags', 'list:reference tags', label='Tagi'), 
> Field('copies', db.copies),
> auth.signature)
> db.book.tags.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.checkboxes.widget
> Here is what I want to achieve: when a user adds new 'book' table record, 
> he types number of copies of that book and that amount of records is 
> automatically created in 'copies' table. Then a user will be able to loan a 
> specific copy of a book (i will probably be able to figure this part out 
> thanks to library example) but only for specific period. If you have other 
> ideas on how to solve my problem, please share.
> Also less important but i would like to change the style of my tags 
> widget, so it would display either set number of tags per row or just 
> display maximum number that will fit in screen.
> Thanks in advance for all replies.

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