On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 4:48 PM, SergeyPo <ser...@zarealye.com> wrote:
> This works for sure in sqlite, mysql and oracle:
> db().select(db.tablename.fieldname, distinct=True)
> and this is correct approach because I can not imagine biz logic when
> you want to select distinct values AND their ID's etc. fields. You
> normally use select distinct when you need a list of available values
> in a field.

practical example from my own web app:
A doctor prescribes medication. He can select it from a pharmaceutical database.
He can select the drug by generic or brand name.
Each drug comes in a variety of forms, strengths, packet sizes etc.
plus some incur health system subsidies, some barnd price premiums

In most instances, I am not interested whatsoever in 20 manufacturers
producing the same product and it coming in a variety of packet sizes
- all I want is Amoxycilin trihydrate tablets 500mg (and not a hundred
variations thereof cluttering my selection widget). There are some
60,000 drug product entries in the larger drug database - and less
than 2000 unique drugs

But, in order to call up product information and to check allergies
and interactions - I need the id of the drug.

Just one of a great many practical examples.


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