Can anybody help me? I still can't figure it out on my own...

W dniu niedziela, 1 czerwca 2014 16:10:07 UTC+2 użytkownik john smith 
> I want to create a page that will display user data, with additional 
> controls. I want librarian to be able to add user to 'readers' and remove 
> group,  that part works. I also want admin be able to freely manage groups 
> of a user, I want him to have a widget that will have a list of groups with 
> submit button that will add user to selected group, and list of all groups 
> user is a member of with ability to remove him from those. I have 3 
> problems with that:
> 1. I don't know how to create form that will display drop-down list with 
> groups, like SQLFORM does. I could replace it with SQLFORM but then I need 
> to know how to hide user_id field and set it to value
> 2. Even when click submit button of form2, action of form is executed.
> 3. SQLFORM.grid won't let me access the view, i get flash with 'not 
> authorized' message.
> Here is my code:
> @auth.requires(auth.has_membership('librarian') or 
> auth.has_membership('admin'))
> def show_reader():
> if request.args(0) and db.auth_user(request.args(0, cast=int)):
> user = db.auth_user(request.args(0, cast=int))
> form2=''
> if (auth.has_membership('admin', or 
> auth.has_membership('librarian', and not 
> auth.has_membership('admin'):
> session.flash = T('Insufficient privileges')
> redirect(URL('readers'))
> else:
> if not auth.has_membership('reader',
> form=FORM(INPUT(_type='submit', _value=T('Activate user')))
> if form.process().accepted:
> session.flash = T('User has been activated')
> db.auth_membership.update_or_insert(
> ,group_id=auth.id_group('reader'))
> redirect(URL('show_reader',, client_side=True)
> else:
> form=FORM(INPUT(_type='submit', _value=T('Deactivate user')))
> if form.process().accepted:
> session.flash = T('User has been deactivated')
> #user.registration_key='blocked'
> #user.update_record(registration_key='blocked')
> db(
> redirect(URL('show_reader',, client_side=True)
> if auth.has_membership('admin'):
> #form2=''
> form2=FORM('Your name:',
> INPUT(_name='grupa', _type='text'),
> INPUT(_type='submit'))
> if form2.process().accepted:
> redirect(URL('index'))
> form3=SQLFORM.grid(, deletable=False, 
> editable=False, create=False, details=False)
> return locals()
> else:
> session.flash = T('No such user')
> redirect(URL('readers'))

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