Thanks! Dave, been using web2py since 2010 :) however not been active in 
coding from last few months.. (kinda lost touch) I'll get over it quickly 


On Sunday, June 22, 2014 12:09:10 AM UTC+5:30, Dave S wrote:
> On Friday, June 20, 2014 1:14:59 AM UTC-7, Rahul wrote:
>> Hi Dave, All,
>>           I found a solution - It was easy - 
>> wrote a new function that takes a parameter, called it in the view and it 
>> redirects to the required page. 
> Glad you got it going.  You're moving ahead faster than I am   :-)
> /dps
>> query = (db.fotoz.album_name == "%s" % request.args(0))
>> and have this 
>> <p> <a href="{{=URL(r=request, c='default', f='view_album', 
>> args=[allalbums[i].album_name])}}"    class="btn">View Album</a></p>
>> in view. 
>> That sends the argument to this function and displays the album. The only 
>> issue is with spaces in album names that dont work. But I would find a 
>> workaround over it. 
>> We can consider this thread closed. Thanks Everyone.
>> Cheers, Rahul 
>> A few threads that helped... -
>> On Friday, June 20, 2014 10:24:42 AM UTC+5:30, Rahul wrote:
>>> Thanks! for replying Dave. While I am open to suggestions, I plan to 
>>> redirect the request such that as soon as the user clicks on any album 
>>> thumbnail - he gets redirected to a page (perhaps viewalbum.html) where all 
>>> images belonging to a particular album are listed. 
>>> Thanks, Rahul. 
>>> On Friday, June 20, 2014 12:31:14 AM UTC+5:30, Dave S wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 1:50:09 AM UTC-7, Rahul wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>       I am writing an image gallery in my app. I am stuck up here -
>>>>> I want to display images that belong to a particular album when I 
>>>>> select that album in the view. Although I am able to display albums in 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> view, but cannot proceed further to display images belonging to that 
>>>>> particular albums after clicking the album (from the view).  
>>>>> here are the table in ** - 
>>>>> db.define_table('photoalbum',
>>>>>     Field('reguser_id'),
>>>>>     Field('album_name'),
>>>>>     Field('short_description'),
>>>>>     )
>>>>> db.define_table(photos',
>>>>>     Field('reguser_id'),
>>>>>     Field('caption'),
>>>>>     Field('category', requires=IS_IN_SET(pix_cat)),
>>>>>     Field('description', 'text'),
>>>>>     Field('upload_photo', 'upload' , uploadfolder=request.folder + '
>>>>> static/uploads', default=0,  autodelete=True,), 
>>>>>     Field('album_name', requires=IS_IN_SET(albums)),
>>>>>     )
>>>>> I would think you want the last line to be a reference, like 
>>>>> Field('album_name', 
>>>>> 'reference photoalbum');
>>>>> Controller - * *
>>>>> def myalbums():
>>>>>     ## selects all albums
>>>>>     allalbums = db(db.photoalbum.reguser_id == session.
>>>>> logged_in_user_id). select(db.photoalbum.album_name)
>>>>>     # selects descriptions for all albums 
>>>>>     alldescriptions = db(db.photoalbum.reguser_id == session.
>>>>> logged_in_user_id). select(db.photoalbum.short_description)
>>>>>     ## selects photos
>>>>>     allimages = db( == session.logged_in_user_id). 
>>>>> select(,,
>>>>> description, cache=(cache.ram,20))
>>>>>     return dict(allalbums=allalbums, alldescriptions=alldescriptions, 
>>>>> allimages=allimages) 
>>>>> Code in the view *myalbum.html*
>>>>> <!-- New Try -->
>>>>> {{for i in range(len(allalbums)):}}        
>>>>>         <ul class="thumbnails">
>>>>>         <!-- Iterate over all images - --> 
>>>>>         <li class="span2">
>>>>>         <div class="thumbnail">
>>>>>         <!-- <img data-src="holder.js/300x200" alt="300x200" style=""> 
>>>>>   -->
>>>>>         {{=(A(IMG(_src=URL(r=request,c='static\images',f='vimage.jpg'
>>>>> )),_href=URL (r=request,c='default', f='myalbums', args=[allalbums[i].
>>>>> album_name]) ))}}
>>>>>         <div class="caption">        
>>>>>         <h5>{{=allalbums[i].album_name}}</h5>
>>>>>         <p>{{=alldescriptions[i].short_description}}</p>
>>>>>         </div>
>>>>>         </div>
>>>>>         </li>
>>>>>            {{pass}}    
>>>>>            {{pass}}  
>>>>> Here I can get the album names in the view but when I click on it, it 
>>>>> should query all the photos belonging to that particular (as specified in 
>>>>> args) albumname and show all images in another page or a carousel that I 
>>>>> would create. 
>>>> Do you want a redirect, or to have multiple pages open at a time?
>>>> In either case, don't you need a link (to another controller) or an 
>>>> action (from a form) that would query for somethng like 
>>>> db(photos.album_name == var.album_name).select() ?
>>>> I'm not a dab hand at this; I'm still bouncing back and forth in the 
>>>> manual as I type this, 
>>>> <
>>>> >
>>>> but there's a bunch of examples in the recent posts to this list.
>>>> Grabbing one thread rather quickly, this one might have some pertinence:
>>>> <>
>>>>> Again - The image vimage.jpg specified in the view is a static image, 
>>>>> can the thumbnail image representing a particular album be created from 
>>>>> an 
>>>>> image from within the album ? Please suggest ..
>>>>> I've read about the thumbnail processing in the book, and a couple of 
>>>> examples in the groups since last summer, but haven't actually tried it.  
>>>> So I'll defer to others, other than to say that "seems possible".
>>>> /dps

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