I am fighting it for some time now... I tried all the different ways to 
migrate the database so that the tables for the scheduler are created, but 
no luck - maybe someone could help...

I have an existing application. Recently I decided I needed to run some 
things in the background, so I added a scheduler.py model with content like 

def send_mail(jar_id):
 logger.info('Mail notifications have been sent.')

from gluon.scheduler import Scheduler
scheduler = Scheduler(db)

where db is defined like this in db.py model: 

db = DAL('mysql://xxx:xxx@localhost/xxx',pool_size=1,check_reserved=['all'],

As soon, as I try to schedule a task, this result in an 
error: gluon.contrib.pymysql.err.ProgrammingError: (1146, u"Table 
'xxx.scheduler_task' doesn't exist")

I tried setting the fake_migrate to True, removing files in xxx/databases, 
etc. No luck. Any hint, how to make it work?


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