
I try to do exactly the same and have the following in my app:


def index():
    response.js = '$.web2py.component("%s", target="graph1");' % 
URL('default', 'graph1.load')


     <div id="graph1" style="width: 400px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto">

graph1.load contains a graph in pure JS

What am I overlooking?

KInd regards

On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 5:15:17 PM UTC+1, Anthony wrote:
> You could put both the form and the grid in ajax components. When the form 
> is submitted, it could send back a JS command to load the grid:
> In index.html:
> {{=LOAD('default', 'tracker_form.load', ajax=True)}}
> <div id='content_grid'></div>
> Change your two existing views to a .load extension (not required, but 
> done by convention for component views), and remove the {{extend 
> 'layout.html'}} from each.
> In tracker_form, do:
>     if form.process().accepted:
>         response.js = '$.web2py.component("%s", target="content_grid");' % 
> URL('default', 'show_form.load')
>         response.flash = 'Submitted Successfully!'
> Whenever the form is submitted and accepted, it will reload the grid in 
> the "content_grid" div.
> Anthony
> On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:37:04 AM UTC-5, En Ware wrote:
>> Hello, 
>>   I am trying to figure out how to call more then function per view.
>> I would like to be to have users fill out a form and and then as soon as 
>> they submit 
>> show the results sort of like SQLFORM. I also want to make the "grid" 
>> editable so
>> that users can hide rows and columns. 
>> Thanks in Advance.
>> #controller default.py
>> def index():
>>     return dict()
>> def tracker_form():
>>     record = db.content(request.args(0))
>>     show_record = request.args(0)
>>     form = SQLFORM(db.content, record, show_record)
>>     if form.process().accepted:
>>         response.flash = 'Submitted Successfully!'
>>         #response.view = ''
>>         #return dict(show_record=show_record)    
>>     elif form.errors: 
>>         response.flash = 'Form is not correct; please correct and submit 
>> again'
>>     else:
>>         response.flash = 'Please fill out the damn form'
>>     return dict(form=form)
>> def show_form():
>>     #rows = db().select(db.content.ALL)
>>     return dict(grid=SQLFORM.grid(db.content))
>> #views 
>> #tracker_form.html
>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>> <h4><center>Tracking</center></h4>
>> {{=form}}
>> {{=BEAUTIFY(request.vars)}}
>> #show_form.html
>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>> <h4><center>Records processed</center></h4>
>> {{=grid}}
>> <a href="";>Back</a>
>> #index.html
>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>> <title>Watch and Defend</title>
>> <h4>
>>     Current customers:
>> </h4>
>> <H4>
>>     <a href=><center>Tracker 
>> Monitoring click on the link</a></center>
>> </H4>

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