Trying to insert a new option in the register/login menu (the one on the 
top right of admin).

I searched and read a bunch of threads and concluded that the best way was 
to do it like

{{navbar = auth.navbar(mode="dropdown")
          navbar.append(A('Testing', _href=URL('default')))

<ul id="navbar" class="nav pull-right">{{='auth' in globals() and navbar or 

This does not work because it inserts the new option outside of the <ul> 
and the
'Testing' option shows below the 'Login' one, not inside the dropdown menu. 
(see image).

So I went to read the code and tried to do this:

{{auth.navbar.items.append({'name': T('Profile'),
                                    'href': href('profile'),
                                    'icon': 'icon-user'})

But I get a ticket saying that auth.navbar does not have an 'items' list... 
which appear on line 1372 of tools.py.

What am I doing wrong? (I am a noob in Python and Web2py).

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