Now I encounter a difference between a LOAD and a link like the following:

<li>{{=A(T("Add " + session.im_labels['vpu']) 
,_href=URL('internal','add_entity.load', vars=dict(com=com, sif=sif)), 
ajax=True, cid='internal_data_div') }}</li>

I assume this link is equal to {{=LOAD('internal','add_entity.load', 
vars=dict(com=com, sif=sif)), ajax=True, cid='internal_data_div') }}

But a form acceptance defined in this add_entity form does not react on the 

if form_add_entity.process(form_name='add_entity').accepted:
     response.js= '$web2py.component("%s", target="navigation_div");' % 
URL('default', 'navigation.load')

In other words I want to load a component bij accepting a form in another 
component. These components are part of index.html.
The conditional load Anthony suggested will not work now because index.html 
is not rendered.


On Monday, June 30, 2014 8:17:45 PM UTC+2, Richard wrote:
> Anthony,
> Thank you for the clu: an ajax call is needed, I tried without, just 
> pushing javascript and HTML to the view.
> Regards,
> Richard
> On Monday, June 30, 2014 4:43:06 PM UTC+2, Anthony wrote:
>> Note, response.js only works with Ajax requests, so it will have no 
>> effect in this case. Instead, just use the LOAD helper, and include it 
>> conditionally in the view:
>> In views/default/index.html:
>> {{if form.accepted:}}
>> {{=LOAD('default', 'graph1.load', ajax=True)}}
>> {{pass}}
>> Anthony
>> On Monday, June 30, 2014 8:23:53 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>> Dear web2py colleague,
>>> I am struggling with the response.js in order to load a component.
>>> Loading a component through {{=LOAD....}} works fine.
>>> We want to load that component after accepting and processing a form. So 
>>> i put a named div in the view and let response.js do the loading by the 
>>> form processing.
>>> controller:
>>> def index():
>>>     if form.process().accepted:
>>>           response.js = '$.web2py.component("%s", target="graph1");' % 
>>> URL('default', 'graph1.load')
>>> index.html:
>>>      <div id="graph1" style="width: 400px; height: 400px; margin: 0 
>>> auto">
>>>      </div>
>>> Besides this simplifying the case looks that my app does not listen to 
>>> response.js because just adding the following line does not add the 
>>> specified HTML tot the div with id location1:
>>>       response.js = '$.( "#graph1" ).append( "<p>Test</p>" );'
>>> Sorry for being inpatient because this question is repeated from this 
>>> tread
>>> but this is standard web2py.
>>> Thank you for the support.

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