I'm trying to modify this a bit:


and bumped into this problem of the for loop throwing a ticket. None of the 
suggested solutions seem to work for me. Any way out?

On Saturday, 11 May 2013 23:46:19 UTC+5:30, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Replace
> {{for t,f in db.t_sys_config._referenced_by:}}
> with
> {{for x in db.t_sys_config._referenced_by:}}{{t,f = x if 
> isinstance(x,tuple) else (x.tablename,x.name)}}
> It should do the trick. Sorry for the late response.
> On Wednesday, 1 May 2013 16:37:29 UTC-5, Michael Ellis wrote:
>> I've got an app from before 2.0 with wizard-generated code in multiple 
>> views that looks similar to this.
>> {{=form}}
>> {{for t,f in db.t_sys_config._referenced_by:}}{{if not 
>> t[-8:]=='_archive':}}[{{=A(t[2:],_href=URL('%s_select'%t[2:],args=(f,
>> form.record.id)))}}]{{pass}}{{pass}}     
>> Under web2py 2.4.6, the for loop throws a ticket because *_referenced_by* 
>> is returning a list of Field objects instead of tuples. The app is running 
>> in almost 100 different servers on 1.99.  How can I modify the app code 
>> (without doing something kludgey like detecting web2py versions) so it will 
>> run under any web2py version?
>> Thanks,
>> Mike

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