Thank you!!

Regards Frank

Op zaterdag 9 augustus 2014 04:10:19 UTC+2 schreef Massimo Di Pierro:
> Remove this {{=BEAUTIFY(response._vars)}} 
> response._vars is {'form':form}.
> On Friday, 8 August 2014 03:42:41 UTC-5, Frank Claessen wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am working through the manual for web2py the web2py_manual_5th.pdf to 
>> be exact. I try to  simulate the code that is to be found in the chapter on 
>> forms paragraph 7.1 FORMS
>> I created a new application called testingforms.
>> No changes to any files but the controller
>> I added the following def:
>> def display_form():
>> form=FORM('Your name:', INPUT(_name='name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>   INPUT(_type='submit'))
>> return dict(form=form)
>> Then I added the default/display_form.html file and added:
>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>> <h1>Testing a form</h1>
>> {{=form}}
>> {{=BEAUTIFY(response._vars)}}
>> Than, at looking at  
>> the view shows a double form-entry: 
>> Testingforms 
>> Testing a formYour name:
>> form:Your name:Why does this happen and what did I do wrong here?
>> Meanwhile I tested around somewhat and discovered that - if I remove the 
>> {{form}} entry inside the display_form view, the form is still shown.
>> that means, the lower part of the image show above shows up.
>> Don't know why this happens
>> Tia
>> Frank

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