If, like me, you use the same static files on every page, just hard code 
them into layout.html.

I realize this may make upgrading more, um, interesting, but it's much 
simpler than pattern-based routing.

On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 11:23:52 AM UTC-4, Louis Amon wrote:
> I am using a CDN and am trying to configure web2py to use it instead of 
> the classic static file service.
> So far I've been using pattern-based routes like this :
> cdn = 'https://xxxxxxx.cloudfront.net'
> routes_in = (...
>              ('/static/$anything', cdn + '/static/$anything'),
>                          ...
>                          )
> routes_out = (...
>              ('/static/$anything', cdn + '/static/$anything'),
>                          ...
>                          )
> This basically works, but this has to be implemented on a pattern-based 
> routes.py which means I lose many cool features like map_hyphen, 
> default_application, default_controller mappings...
> Is there a way to use a CDN with a parametric router ?
> I read somewhere that the host parameter in URL can also be used to setup 
> a CDN, but it seems a bit tedious to find all URL and rewrite them.
> Isn't there a variable in gluon.rewrite that I can mess with to trick 
> web2py into serving CDN-based content ?

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