
I have the following in models:


    Field('header_date','date',label="Header Date"),
    Field('received_date','date',label="Received Date"),
    Field("sent_by",db.senders,label="Sent By",requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 

So I want some 'senders', with a description 'sender' and some 'documents'. 
Each 'documents' has one 'senders', a 'senders' has many 'documents'.

I added the requres=IS_IN_DB to enable a SQLFORM to provide a drop down 
list of SENDERS when I create a new document. This works but ...

We get this:

<class 'sqlite3.IntegrityError'> FOREIGN KEY constraint failed

When we create the DOCUMENT, even though it specifies a SENDER from the 

Is this because the drop down is senders.sender but the RI constraint is on 
senders.id ?

I'm not a fan of surrogate keys, I must say. Traditionally I would have 
defined SENDERS as SENDER_CODE, SENDER_NAME and given a meaningful code, 
such as 

NWAT, Northumbrian Water

instead of

1,Northumbrian Water

which is what I have now.

Anyway, what have I messed up in my model/form, please? I can't see how to 
change it to fix this

Form is built with this controller code:

def newdocument():

    form = SQLFORM(db.documents).process()

    if form.accepted:
        response.flash = 'new record inserted'

    dochead = {'documents.description':'Description', 
'documents.header_date':'Header Date', 'documents.received_date':'Received 
Date', 'documents.sent_by':'Sender',}
    # and get a list of all documents
    records = SQLTABLE(db().select(db.documents.ALL), truncate=80, headers 
= dochead )

    return dict(form=form, records=records)


{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<h2>Current Documents</h2>

Thanks for any assistance

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