On Monday, September 8, 2014 4:47:57 AM UTC-4, Leonel Câmara wrote:
> Frankly, I would just store the user as the owner in all of those tables. 
> Probably using auth.signature().
> You could do a very inefficient recursive select but I don't see any 
> advantage.
> Something like:
> task = db.tasks[5]
> if task.job.project.owner != auth.user_id:  # You are doing a select for 
> each dot you see here:
>     raise HTTP(403)  # Forbidden

Before you go storing the user id in every table, you should check the 
timing on the above query, and make the decision based on expected app 
usage. While the above isn't the most efficient, if will probably be only a 
few milliseconds, and if this app doesn't have heave traffic or this 
operation isn't very frequent, the inefficiency may be fine. You could also 
see if it's faster to do a single multi table join rather than the 
recursive select shown above (though the above is easier to write and 
understand, so may not be worth making the change anyway).


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