I am new to web2py, but would be interested in attending, thank you for 
taking the initiative to set something up!

On Thursday, September 11, 2014 9:24:53 AM UTC-7, weheh wrote:
> Thanks for the replies. I went to a meetup last night for the Bay Area 
> python group (not the Bay Area Piggies group), which is one of the largest 
> if not the largest python group in the North Bay. I also looked into 
> setting up a more permanent meetup group for web2py. Here are my 
> conclusions and reasonings about how to go forward with a web2py meetup.
> We should leverage the existing python group(s) (including Piggies) to 
> spread knowledge of web2py. The python meetup is a large, established group 
> with the necessary infrastructure to organize meetups. I think it will be 
> hard (for me) to start a web2py group from scratch right now because it 
> requires connections to big and interested internet companies with adequate 
> facilities and a willingness to host the meetup.
> I spoke to the organizers of the python meetup regarding having a web2py 
> session. They were open and receptive to the idea. Some of them remembered 
> Massimo's talk a couple of years ago. One of the organizers volunteered to 
> me that there was some negative sentiment surrounding web2py in the python 
> community, but when I dug deeper, it seemed to be rumor and innuendo, 
> nothing concrete. Seems like the usual controversy that has dogged web2py 
> since day 1 for reasons that are beyond me.
> Therefore, Massimo, if you're out here in November, let's have you do a 
> short tutorial on web2py (30 to 45 minutes). Then I, and hopefully someone 
> else (Jonathan, Joe?), can give testimonial talks on what we like about 
> web2py and give concrete examples/demos of how we use it for 
> enterprise-grade solutions. I am prepared to put together some examples of 
> cool things you can do with components, rpc calls, multiple forms on one 
> page, etc. The testimonial talks should also be 30 to 45 minutes so that in 
> total, there would be more talks by web2py users than Massimo. This will 
> lend greater credibility to the information exchange and be more convincing 
> that there is, indeed, a movement.
> I would also use the occasion to poll the gathering to see if there's 
> enough interest to start our own web2py meetup group.
> The organizers said that if I wanted to drive such a meetup for the python 
> group that they might also invite competing frameworks to give talks, like 
> Django or Flask. That's possible, but I think if we have enough web2py-user 
> speakers we can probably get the full 2 hours for web2py talks. That, in my 
> opinion, would be preferable.
> Let me know what you think. Massimo, if you're here in November, there's 
> enough time to organize something great for that time frame.

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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