That is possible for sure. What timezone are you in?

The problem is tar.extractall() is failing to create folders when run by 
I have reset everything and IIS is not running as the user DefaultAppPool 
(which I can verify by inspecting the process). 
I have made this user the owner of the entire folder tree starting at 
web2py and this I verify as well. 
The user has permission to everything, as does Everyone. 

When I run python as me via ipython, untar works. But it fails (dies) when 
running via IIS. I don't get an exception logged by web2py; the browser 
just comes back to a blankscreen.

tar.getmembers() works: I see the contents of the file. 
IIS/untar can also extract the files into a folder elsewhere (outside of 
the site's webroot)

My suspicions about the Resilient Filesystem are growing because the 
alternative location that I just got it to extract to is on NTFS.
The extractall extracts three files and then dies. The first file it fails 
to extract (assuming extraction order is alphabetical) is

I've got logger messages inside a local copy of to try to see 
what might be happening. 

On Friday, 26 September 2014 00:59:26 UTC+10, Niphlod wrote:
> Given that in real life I'm a Windows system administrator on top of a SQL 
> Server DBA, if we can arrange a remote session I'll be happy to debug with 
> you the issue ;-P
> On Thursday, September 25, 2014 3:52:38 PM UTC+2, Tim Richardson wrote:
>> I get the same behaviour even why I tell the application pool to run as 
>> me.
>> The create_app code turns the .w2p file into a .tar file.
>> It is supposed to os.unlink(tarname) the tar file but this fails; the 
>> .tar remains. I think this may be the first thing which doesn't work. 
>> On Thursday, September 25, 2014 5:10:45 AM UTC+10, Niphlod wrote:
>>> access denied .... you're still having permission problems.
>>> On Wednesday, September 24, 2014 2:43:26 PM UTC+2, Tim Richardson wrote:
>>>> OK. the GUI management tool make a new application pool by default if 
>>>> creating a new site. I deleted that and I'm using the default application 
>>>> pool. I am now back to where I was: it works until it needs to make new 
>>>> files
>>>> I tried to "clean" the welcome app from admin and I got a ticket:
>>>> Traceback 
>>>> 1.
>>>> 2.
>>>> 3.
>>>> 4.
>>>> 5.
>>>> 6.
>>>> 7.
>>>> 8.
>>>> 9.
>>>> 10.
>>>> 11.
>>>> 12.
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>   File ".\gluon\", line 224, in restricted
>>>>     exec ccode in environment
>>>>   File 
>>>> "E:/web2py/web2py_iis/web2py/applications/admin/controllers/" 
>>>> <http://localhost:81/admin/default/edit/admin/controllers/>, 
>>>> line 1946, in <module>
>>>>   File ".\gluon\", line 392, in <lambda>
>>>>     self._caller = lambda f: f()
>>>>   File 
>>>> "E:/web2py/web2py_iis/web2py/applications/admin/controllers/" 
>>>> <http://localhost:81/admin/default/edit/admin/controllers/>, 
>>>> line 448, in cleanup
>>>>     clean = app_cleanup(app, request)
>>>>   File ".\gluon\", line 124, in app_cleanup
>>>>     if f[:1] != '.': os.unlink(os.path.join(path, f))
>>>> WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: 
>>>> 'E:/web2py/web2py_iis/web2py/applications/welcome/cache/0c1'THe 

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