Hey Mark,

I did finish this, although it's been some time since I've looked into the 
code for the mobile-related stuff. Most of it still makes sense to me

On Friday, October 10, 2014 1:31:09 PM UTC-7, Mark Graves wrote:
> Did you ever finish this?
> I implemented something similar.
> I'd love to collaborate and get a repo up for working with mobile devices 
> with web2py as an app back end.
> On Sunday, January 6, 2013 11:43:05 AM UTC-6, dlypka wrote:
>> If you mimic the same http traffic that a browser would generate, then of 
>> course you will get all the normal web2py functionality such as the session.
>> The web2py session is usually stored in the database which means it can 
>> store a large amount of data without the size limits of cookie storage. And 
>> it will persist between requests.
>> On Friday, January 4, 2013 6:19:14 PM UTC-6, Mark Li wrote:
>>> Would it be necessary to connect to the same web2py session?
>>> To my understanding, connecting to the same session would be necessary 
>>> if the session contained Auth information indicating whether or not a user 
>>> was logged in. However, using auth.login_bare(), I only return a token on 
>>> login success, and the Auth information is never stored in session. Only 
>>> the token would be used to check whether or not a user was authenticated, 
>>> as this info is not stored in session.
>>> The login/authentication from Android would only be used for API calls, 
>>> and not for browsing the site. In the 'tokens' table, there would be 
>>> information about the user that would be similar to the Auth info stored in 
>>> session. When the token is passed to web2py, it would return the same 
>>> information that would normally be stored in session about the user.
>>> Thanks again for your help and checking my logic, I'm still pretty new 
>>> to this!
>>> On Thursday, January 3, 2013 7:57:45 PM UTC-8, dlypka wrote:
>>>> But are you reconnecting to the same web2py session on each request?
>>>> On Thursday, January 3, 2013 3:20:01 PM UTC-6, Mark Li wrote:
>>>>> I reviewed your code again and looked into the source code for web2py 
>>>>> to see how web2py deals with session login cookies.
>>>>> For what I want to accomplish, I believe I have found a method which 
>>>>> does not involved changing web2py source code. It's simpler and more 
>>>>> straight forward for me to wrap my head around (also not having to worry 
>>>>> about storing cookies in the app). Please let me know if there's anything 
>>>>> important I am missing or security flaws that I should consider.
>>>>> 1. Embed webview into native Android app, using auth.login_bare to 
>>>>> authenticate.
>>>>> 2. On login success, return a token of similar format to web2py's 
>>>>> session cookies.
>>>>> 3. Store this token in the database (in a table named 'tokens'), and 
>>>>> send back to Android app as a cookie
>>>>> 4. For every request to my web service that requires authentication, 
>>>>> send the token as a cookie and have the receiving API controller function 
>>>>> extract the cookie/token. If the token is currently in the db.tokens, 
>>>>> then 
>>>>> the user has been authenticated and the request returns the appropriate 
>>>>> data.
>>>>> 5. On logout/password change, delete the issued tokens for this user 
>>>>> from db.tokens, so the same token can't be used to authenticate for 
>>>>> future 
>>>>> api calls.
>>>>> On Tuesday, January 1, 2013 10:33:26 PM UTC-8, dlypka wrote:
>>>>>> I was not precisely calling from a native Android or native IOS app.
>>>>>> I was using a PhoneGap client, which is different. It is looks like a 
>>>>>> web browser but is not a browser client.
>>>>>> PhoneGap can only use HTML5 storage unless you write a native Android 
>>>>>> / IOS PhoneGap extension/plugin.
>>>>>> So my technique will work from almost any client platform, even from 
>>>>>> a Windows native client app for example
>>>>>> as long as it uses HTTP.
>>>>>> Also, in my tracing of how web2py handles the client connection, I 
>>>>>> believe I found a few wrinkles in the sequence of events
>>>>>> which needed to be handled specially in this case where the client is 
>>>>>> not a web browser.
>>>>>> In your particular case, if you have cookies in the native client, 
>>>>>> then that is one less problem to solve,
>>>>>> You probably just have to mimic the HTTP messages that a browser 
>>>>>> would send.
>>>>>> On Tuesday, January 1, 2013 5:19:50 PM UTC-6, Mark Li wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks for the responses, and Happy New Years to you guys too!
>>>>>>> dlypka, for your cookieless solution, it assumes that the client app 
>>>>>>> can't store/extract tokens? In the Google Android link above, it says 
>>>>>>> that 
>>>>>>> both Android and iOS can read and extract the tokens/cookies. So when 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> Android app calls the Web2py app, wouldn't it just pass in the 
>>>>>>> cookie/token 
>>>>>>> and have Web2py verify it as it Web2py normally verifies session login 
>>>>>>> cookies?
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, January 1, 2013 9:07:16 AM UTC-8, Massimo Di Pierro 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> :-)
>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, 1 January 2013 10:45:47 UTC-6, dlypka wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Yes it is my New Year's Resolution to make time to put it in a 
>>>>>>>>> Slice.
>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, January 1, 2013 10:35:49 AM UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps this should go in a web2pyslice?
>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, 31 December 2012 21:28:04 UTC-6, dlypka wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I developed a solution for this.
>>>>>>>>>>> I posted it here:
>>>>>>>>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/web2py/YVYQHRJmcos
>>>>>>>>>>> Happy New Year!
>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, December 31, 2012 4:38:40 PM UTC-6, Mark Li wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am currently trying to authenticate users on an Android app 
>>>>>>>>>>>> to my Web2py application. I am not comfortable implementing this 
>>>>>>>>>>>> on my own 
>>>>>>>>>>>> without some guidance/advice, as I'm worried about the security of 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> login information becoming jeopardized.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am following the guideline for authentication outlined by 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Google here: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/MobileApps
>>>>>>>>>>>> Another outline of what how I'm trying to accomplish 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Authentication outlined here: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7358715/authentication-model-for-android-application
>>>>>>>>>>>> The first step, and my question, is how I would generate a 
>>>>>>>>>>>> token to return to the Android app after the user has successfully 
>>>>>>>>>>>> logged 
>>>>>>>>>>>> in. It is suggested that this token be in the same format to what 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Web2py 
>>>>>>>>>>>> uses for session login cookies, except with a 'mobile' flag 
>>>>>>>>>>>> indicating the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> token can only be used for API calls, and doesn't have the short 
>>>>>>>>>>>> lifespan 
>>>>>>>>>>>> of a browser session.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I haven't read too 
>>>>>>>>>>>> much about authentication to web2py from an Android app.

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