Post a ticket on webfaction , they are very friendly and know about web2py.

There is also a script to install web2py.
I used it and never had problems so far.

2014-11-08 23:47 GMT+00:00 Hans Soflao <>:

> Can somebody help me with getting web2py app to work with webfaction? This
> is a very simple question I imagine.
> The way my folders are structured  are like this:
> home/user/webapps/appname.
> Inside appname folder, there are these folders: apache2, htdocs and
> web2py. These get created when an app gets installed from webfaction
> control panel.
> Now, when website is called the output of the website is a page saying:
> Welcome to your mod_wsgi website! It uses python...
> Now, I figured out this is the page loaded from htdocs.
> Thus, I went ahead and looked at the conf file in the apache2 folder. I
> just need a little help to modify conf file right to get it call the
> welcome app in the web2py. I appreciate a lot if you could help. I have
> already taken htdocs out of the directory path and written web2py, but gave
> me error The requested URL / was not found on this server.
> ServerRoot "/home/user/webapps/appname/apache2"
> LoadModule dir_module        modules/
> LoadModule env_module        modules/
> LoadModule log_config_module modules/
> LoadModule mime_module       modules/
> LoadModule rewrite_module    modules/
> LoadModule setenvif_module   modules/
> LoadModule wsgi_module       modules/
> LogFormat "%{X-Forwarded-For}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\"
> \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
> CustomLog /home/user/logs/user/access_appname.log combined
> DirectoryIndex
> DocumentRoot /home/user/webapps/appname/web2py
> ErrorLog /home/user/logs/user/error_appname.log
> KeepAlive Off
> Listen 15578
> MaxSpareThreads 3
> MinSpareThreads 1
> ServerLimit 1
> SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-SSL on HTTPS=1
> ThreadsPerChild 5
> WSGIDaemonProcess learas processes=5
> python-path=/home/user/webapps/appname/lib/python2.7 threads=1
> WSGIProcessGroup appname
> WSGIRestrictEmbedded On
> WSGILazyInitialization On
> <Directory /home/user/webapps/appname/web2py>
>     AddHandler wsgi-script .py
> </Directory>
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