I want to note that I will have a couple of additional fields in the 
intersection table beside the relations, i.e. in the example model 
components might have certain properties depending on the package:

                    Field('component_id', 'reference component'),
                    Field('package_id', 'reference package'),

Am Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2014 17:50:42 UTC+1 schrieb Jan Beilicke:
> Hi everybody,
> since a couple of days I am trying to implement a *normalized 
> many-to-many model* that can be managed using a single form consisting of 
> a couple of fields from one table and a multiple select drop-down list 
> containing references to an intersection table.
> My problem is an exception that is thrown when the form is validated after 
> submit:
>     int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'list'
> The exception is caused by a list of reference ids defined by selected 
> options in the drop-down list.
> A way to circument this exception might be to denormalize the intersection 
> table by using the field type list:reference which I want to avoid for 
> various reasons.
> I have created a similar model for demonstration purposes, where the 
> entity package has one or many components:
>     db.define_table('component',
>                     Field('some_field'),
>                     format='%(some_field)s'
>                     )
>     db.define_table('package',
>                     Field('another_field'),
>                     format='%(another_field)s'
>                     )
>     db.define_table('component_package_association',
>                     Field('component_id', 'reference component'),
>                     Field('package_id', 'reference package'))
>     db.component_package_association.component_id.requires = IS_IN_DB(
>         db, 'component.id', '%(some_field)s', multiple=True)
> And the controller:
>     def manage_packages():
>         if request.args(0) == 'new' and request.args(1) == 'package':
>             form = SQLFORM.factory(db.package, 
> db.component_package_association)
>             if form.process().accepted:
>                 # Code to store the new package and associations to 
> components
>                 # ...
>                 response.flash = 'Package successfully created.'
>             content = form
>         else:
>             content = SQLFORM.grid(db.package)
>         return dict(content=content)
> I did some research in the web2py-users ML and some search engines but 
> could not find a way to tackle this issue.
> Following a couple of ideas for which I am thankful to get helpful 
> comments and advice:
> 1. Create a custom validator for the form or
> 2. Disable form.process().accepted or
> 3. Disable the validation for the specific field
> 4. Something completely different
> I try to avoid options 2 and 3.
> Thank you for your time!
> //jotbe

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