
It is. The only issue is that the browser can store the google session so I 
have to be carefull width this, because you can logout your google account 
without finishing the appadmin session.

Finally thanks, Massimo.

El viernes, 9 de enero de 2015, 6:05:52 (UTC+1), Massimo Di Pierro escribió:
> Checking the code again. calls check_credentials to decide if 
> you have access. On GAE it does (in gluon/
> from google.appengine.api import users
>         if users.is_current_user_admin():
>             return True
>         elif gae_login:
>             login_html = '<a href="%s">Sign in with your google 
> account</a>.' \
>                 % users.create_login_url(request.env.path_info)
>             raise HTTP(200, '<html><body>%s</body></html>' % login_html)
>         else:
>             return False
> users is the a GAE API. So if you are not logged in you asks you to sign 
> in. If you are signed and the user is an administrator, it returns True. 
> Now Google manages you access, not web2py. This is Google App engine works. 
> Appadmin has noting to do with the session of your application. It relies 
> exclusively on check_credentials with relies on Google login. 
> You as administrator have to know this and have to logout from Google in 
> order to disable access to appadmin.
> I am not understanding the issue?
> On Wednesday, 7 January 2015 17:10:48 UTC-6, Jacinto Parga wrote:
>> First of all thanks so much for your attention Massimo.
>> So I have done a complete example of what I mean.
>> I have deployed an application in GAE:
>> It has a user with administration privileges called:  
>> <javascript:>  width password: superadmin
>> I have created a google email that can log in the google appengine 
>> console (width view privileges): <javascript:>   
>> width password: superadmin
>> So the thing is, I write in a browser (width no session in gmail or gae 
>> initiated):
>> and I can access to the database appadmin without logging in the 
>> application, just accessing width the google acount 
>> <javascript:> 
>> The thing is that the session may remain in the browser even if I log out 
>> the google account. It depends on the browser settings. Widthout control of 
>> the apps permissions.
>> And I can't find the app /admin to logout once I am in google app engine 
>> application.
>> I hope the example is good...
>> El miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015 20:20:25 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro 
>> escribió:
>>>  you try go to the admin app /admin and press the [logout] button?
>>> On Wednesday, 7 January 2015 11:34:19 UTC-6, Jacinto Parga wrote:
>>>> Well, but I log out the application. Then I clean the browser history 
>>>> and just put in the browser
>>>> * 
>>>> <>I am required to sign with google 
>>>> account.*
>>>> I do so, and I can access the appadmin complete fucntionality, but I 
>>>> had not logged in the application at all, neither  as an user with admin 
>>>> privileges nor a simple user. And there is no way to log out as I have not 
>>>> logged in the application. If I log out my google account I can continue 
>>>> using the appadmin interface. Even if I log in with another different 
>>>> google account and access several minutes later to the appadmin.
>>>> If I use the then 
>>>> everything works fine because I have to log in as an user with admin 
>>>> privileges.
>>>> It is very useful for me to be able to access to appadmin in the 
>>>> application deployed in google app engine, but how can I force it to log 
>>>> in 
>>>> as an user with admin privileges?
>>>> El miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015 15:47:20 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro 
>>>> escribió:
>>>>> I partially agree. Problem is you signed out of google but you did not 
>>>>> sign out of admin. appadmin authorizes you if you are logged into admin. 
>>>>> The fact you logout from google does not automatically sign you out from 
>>>>> admin.
>>>>> Can you reproduce the problem if you sign our from admin?
>>>>> On Wednesday, 7 January 2015 06:08:13 UTC-6, Jacinto Parga wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> I have deployed my aplication in GAE and /appadmin/manage/auth works 
>>>>>> fine, asking a login to access.
>>>>>> But, if I try to go to:
>>>>>> Then the browser asks me: Sign in with your google account 
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> Ok, I sing wiht my google account (the owner of the application) and 
>>>>>> I can access to the whole database appadmin without loggin in as 
>>>>>> 'administrator' like in /appadmin/manage/auth
>>>>>> So If the browser keeps the session anyone can access to my app 
>>>>>> database from this browser. I have to remove the cookie of the session.
>>>>>> I think it is a lack of security.
>>>>>> So I would like to limit the access to 
>>>>>> in the same way that 
>>>>>> /appadmin/manage/auth
>>>>>> Thanks

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