where are you telling to SQLFORM.factory the representation of the record ? 

On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 5:09:31 PM UTC+1, César Bustíos Benites 
> Hello! I have a table called *presupuesto *with a custom *format*:
> db.define_table('presupuesto',
>     Field('jar', db.jar, label='JAR'),
>     Field('monto', 'decimal(11, 2)', label='Presupuesto inicial', requires
> =IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='Ingrese un monto para el presupuesto')),
>     Field('monto_mensual', 'decimal(11, 2)', label='Presupuesto mensual', 
> compute=lambda r: Decimal(r.monto)/Decimal('12')),
>     Field('ano', 'integer', label='Año', requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(
> error_message='Ingrese el año'), IS_INT_IN_RANGE(1980, 2100, error_message
> ='Año inválido')]),
>     format=lambda record: '%s %s' % (record.jar.nombre, record.ano)
> )
> I'm using the following SQLFORM.factory in a view:
> @auth.requires_login()
> def control_gastos():
>     form = SQLFORM.factory(
>         Field('Presupuesto', requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.presupuesto)),
>         submit_button='Continuar',
>         table_name='presupuesto',
>     )
>     form.element(_type='submit')['_class'] = 'btn btn-success'
>     form.element('#presupuesto_Presupuesto')['_class'] = 'form-control'
>     form.element('#presupuesto_Presupuesto')['_style'] = 'width: 100%'
>     return dict(form=form)
> Somehow, I was expecting that the records shown in the form were formatted 
> as define in the table but that's not happening. It's only showing IDs:
> <https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-HVtGNOVneTI/VMZm_thtOTI/AAAAAAAAYFs/YrDCU2mdVLI/s1600/Screenshot%2Bfrom%2B2015-01-26%2B11%3A09%3A18.png>
> What am I missing?
> Thanks,
> César

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