
I have a question regarding adding extra fields to auth_user table 

now I saw a couple of posts but none answers my question

I have a table organization. On user registration user adds organization 
name in form. this value should be inserted into table organization and id 
of the record into auth_user.organization field. 

Also some other default values should be inserted into another config table.
I had this working now I am getting an error 
<class 'psycopg2.IntegrityError'> insert or update on table "auth_user" 
violates foreign key constraint "auth_user_organization_fkey" DETAIL: Key 
(organization)=(0) is not present in table "organizations".

my db.py code

    Field('o_daten', type='datetime',default=request.now),
    Field('o_dateu', type='datetime',default=request.now),
    Field('o_status',type='integer' ),
    Field('o_code',type='string', length = 64 ),
    Field('o_name',type='string', label= T('Organization name'), length = 
    Field('o_telnumber',type='string',label= T('Telephone number'), length 
= 64 ),
    Field('o_faxnumber',type='string',label= T('Fax Nb.'), length = 64 ),
    Field('o_street',type='string',label= T('Street'), length = 64 ),
    Field('o_post',type='string',label= T('Post'), length = 64 ),
    Field('o_city',type='string',label= T('City'), length = 64 ),
    Field('o_state',type='string',label= T('State'), length = 64 ),
    Field('o_country',type='string',label= T('Country'), length = 64 ),
    Field('o_TaxNumber',type='string',label= T('Tax number'), length = 64 ),
    Field('o_rootid',type='integer' ),
    Field('o_parentid',type='integer' ),
    Field('o_positionx',type='string', length = 64 ),
    Field('o_positiony',type='string', length = 64 ),
    Field('o_note',label= 'Note',type = 'text'),

then extra field, autocomplete is not really necessary

auth.settings.extra_fields['auth_user'] = [ Field('organization', 
'reference organizations', 
widget=SQLFORM.widgets.autocomplete(request, db.organizations.o_name, 
                                                   label = 

my function to add organization and rows in config table

def add_organization(form):
    Always adds new organization

#    if not form.vars.organization:
   # print "form.vars ",form.vars
    ret = 
    if ret.errors:
        form.errors.organizations = ret.errors['name']
        org = ret.id
        Dodamo podatke v config tabelo ko se kreira nova organizacija
        holiday_duration    1    480    portal    Default trajanje praznika
        vacation_duration    1    480    portal    Default trajanje dopusta
        holiday_color    1    008000    portal    temno zelena
        vacation_color    1    00ff00    portal    svetlo zelena
        db.config.insert(co_code = "holiday_duration", co_value = '420', 
co_organisation = org, co_note = 'Default trajanje praznika')
        db.config.insert(co_code = "vacation_duration", co_value = '480', 
co_organisation = org , co_note = 'Default trajanje dopusta')               
        db.config.insert(co_code = "holiday_color", co_value = '008000 ', 
co_organisation = org, co_note = 'Default barva holiday temno zelena')     
        db.config.insert(co_code = "vacation_color", co_value = '00ff00 ', 
co_organisation = org, co_note = 'Default barva vacation svetlo zelena')
        db.config.insert(co_code = "minimum_time_period", co_value = '15 ', 
co_organisation = org, co_note = 'Default vrednost Ĩasovne periode')
    #if not form.vars.organizations:
#        print form.vars._autocomplete_organizations_o_name_aux
        org_name = form.vars._autocomplete_organizations_o_name_aux
        ret = db.organizations.insert(o_name = org_name)

and at the end 

auth.settings.register_onvalidation = add_organization

## create all tables needed by auth if not custom tables
auth.define_tables(username=False, signature=False)

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