On Friday 12 June 2009 14:25:29 Joe Barnhart wrote:
> I upgraded my development site to 1.64.1 but I find I'm not
> "authorized" to see most of my site now.  I think there may have been
> some changes to the way auth works.
Hello Joe.

I can't reproduce your problem on my site (which uses a slightly modified Auth 
Does it denies access each time you request the page?
I.e. if you see 'access denied' and then just refresh page - does it show same 
message again? There should be a way to reproduce the error consistently then 
it would be easier to fix.

May be you can intercept actual bytestream 'on the wire' with the tool like 

> For example, if I select a link that goes to a controller function
> that has the decorator @auth.reqires_login() it sometimes displays the
> "access denied" message instead of the form I'm expecting.  But not
> all of the functions work this way.  Some let me operate normally.  (I
> am properly logged in during these operations.)
> I'll play around more tomorrow evening and see if I can see any rhyme
> or reason for the rejections.

Sincerely yours
Alexey Nezhdanov

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