Thanks a lot. Will definitely take your advice. I always tell myself I will 
do all that change when the app is complete and I don't have more code to 
write then I'll rearrange everything, especially with the 'style' bit cos 
i'm just in a hurry to code-on-the-fly and see immediate change, but I 
never actually get to that point to make the changes.

Seeing as I need help and it's rather difficult to get the help because 
other devs can't understand easily what I've already done, it's just best 
that I do the change now and might as well just do the right thing while 
I'm at it. Thanks.

On Friday, 10 April 2015 19:38:56 UTC+1, Derek wrote:
> I think you should look at your code a bit differently.
> For example, looking at your code, I have all this clutter, I can't tell 
> what it does because of all this visual noise. Not to mention that those 
> html and javascripts are probably not syntax hilighted in the editor (they 
> should be in their own files so you can have proper syntax hilighted). This 
> also helps with debugging efforts. 
> When you want to change for example to remove facebook support and replace 
> that with google plus... you should be able to immediately know where that 
> is. CSS Classes should be assigned in the views. You can load views and 
> render them in your controller if you want. Views handle all html and your 
> css should be in your static files somewhere. You should never have to put 
> a 'style' attribute on anything if they are part of the right class, or 
> nested properly. 
> On Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 7:25:24 PM UTC-7, sasogeek wrote:
>> I guess I may still have an issue with understanding where to place the 
>> right code for whatever purpose, so long as the code I write makes sense 
>> and does what I want it to do, it all seems pretty fine with me... but I 
>> guess that's not good enough, things ought to be done the right way. I'm 
>> still learning.
>> Thanks for pointing it out though.
>> On Wednesday, 8 April 2015 20:50:56 UTC+1, Derek wrote:
>>> I don't have an answer, just a comment on the style...
>>> This is what you should not do - you're mixing the model, view, and 
>>> controller into an inconceivable mess. 
>>> On Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 7:11:58 AM UTC-7, sasogeek wrote:
>>>> @auth.requires_login()
>>>> def load_home():
>>>>     loader = """$('#right-side').html("<i style='font-size:24px;' 
>>>> class='fa fa-spinner fa-spin'></i>")"""
>>>>     websocket_send('', loader, 'mykey', 'home%s' 
>>>> %
>>>>     remove_class1 = "$('#bk').removeClass('active')"  #books
>>>>     remove_class2 = "$('#ls').removeClass('active')"  #lecture slides
>>>>     remove_class3 = "$('#pq').removeClass('active')"  #past questions
>>>>     remove_class4 = "$('#cs').removeClass('active')"  #courses
>>>>     remove_class5 = "$('#bl').removeClass('active')"  #blogs
>>>>     remove_class6 = "$('#nt').removeClass('active')"  #notes
>>>>     remove_class7 = "$('#fr').removeClass('active')"  #friends
>>>>     add_class = "$('#hm').addClass('active')" #home
>>>>     websocket_send('', remove_class1, 'mykey', 
>>>> 'home%s' %
>>>>     websocket_send('', remove_class2, 'mykey', 
>>>> 'home%s' %
>>>>     websocket_send('', remove_class3, 'mykey', 
>>>> 'home%s' %
>>>>     websocket_send('', remove_class4, 'mykey', 
>>>> 'home%s' %
>>>>     websocket_send('', remove_class5, 'mykey', 
>>>> 'home%s' %
>>>>     websocket_send('', remove_class6, 'mykey', 
>>>> 'home%s' %
>>>>     websocket_send('', remove_class7, 'mykey', 
>>>> 'home%s' %
>>>>     websocket_send('', add_class, 'mykey', 
>>>> 'home%s' %
>>>>     message = """<section class='content'><br/><div class='row'><div 
>>>> class='col-md-4'><div class='grid box-profile bg-red'><div 
>>>> class='grid-body'><img src='%s'  class='img-circle' alt='User 
>>>> Profile'><h3>%s</h3><span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur 
>>>> adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod</span></div><div class='footer clearfix 
>>>> bg-red'><div class='col-xs-4'><div class='grid-body full'><h3><i class='fa 
>>>> fa-facebook-square'></i> 823k</h3></div></div><div class='col-xs-4'><div 
>>>> class='grid-body full'><h3><i class='fa fa-twitter'></i> 
>>>> 402k</h3></div></div><div class='col-xs-4'><div class='grid-body 
>>>> full'><h3><i class='fa fa-linkedin-square'></i> 
>>>> 97k</h3></div></div></div></div></div> <div class='col-md-8 
>>>> pull-right'><div class='grid'><div class='grid-header'><img 
>>>> style='height:30px;' src='%s'  class='img-polaroid pull-left' alt='User 
>>>> Profile'><span class='grid-title'>Status</span></div><div 
>>>> class='grid-body' 
>>>> id='sf'></div></div></div></div></section>""" % (URL('download', 
>>>> args=[auth.user.profile_picture]) if auth.user.profile_picture else 
>>>> "../static/nb/html/assets/img/logo.png", auth.user.full_name, 
>>>> URL('download', args=[auth.user.profile_picture]) if 
>>>> auth.user.profile_picture else "../static/nb/html/assets/img/logo.png")
>>>>     message = message.strip().replace("'", '"')
>>>>     message = message.strip().replace("\n", "")
>>>>     message = message.strip().replace("\r", "")
>>>>     message = message.strip().replace("\t", "")
>>>>     message = 
>>>> "$('#right-side').html($('%s').fadeIn('slow').slideDown('slow'))" % message
>>>>     websocket_send('', message, 'mykey', 'home%s' 
>>>> %
>>>>     form = LOAD(c='default', f='statusform', ajax=True, content=XML('<i 
>>>> style="font-size:24px;" class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i>'))
>>>>     form = "$('#sf').html($('%s').fadeIn('slow').slideDown('slow'))" % 
>>>> form
>>>>     websocket_send('', form, 'mykey', 'home%s' % 
>>>> def statusform():
>>>>     status = crud.create(db.statuses)
>>>>     msg = status.element('textarea', _name="status")
>>>>     msg['_class'] = "form-control"
>>>>     msg['_style'] = "height: 40px; width:45vw; margin-bottom:5px;"
>>>>     user_id = status.element('input', _name='user_id')
>>>>     user_id['_type'] = 'hidden'
>>>>     user_id['_value'] =
>>>>     submit = status.element('input', _type="submit")
>>>>     submit['_class'] = "btn btn-primary pull-right"
>>>>     submit['_value'] = "Post"
>>>>     if status.process().accepted:
>>>>         userPic=db(
>>>> ==request.post_vars.user_id).select().first().profile_picture
>>>>         now = prettydate(
>>>>         message1 = """<div class="col-md-8 pull-right" 
>>>> style="width:51.9vw;"><div class="grid"><div class="grid-header"><img 
>>>> style="height:30px; width: 30px;" src="%s"  class="img-polaroid pull-left" 
>>>> alt="User Profile"><span class="grid-title">%s</span><div 
>>>> class="pull-right 
>>>> grid-tools"><a data-widget="collapse" 
>>>> title="Collapse">%s</a></div></div><div 
>>>> class="grid-body">%s</div></div></div>""" % (URL('download', 
>>>> args=[userPic]) if userPic else "../static/nb/html/assets/img/logo.png", 
>>>> db(
>>>> == 
>>>> request.post_vars.user_id).select().first().full_name, now, 
>>>> request.post_vars.status)
>>>>         message1 = message1.strip().replace("\n", "<br/>")
>>>>         message1 = message1.strip().replace("\r", "")
>>>>         script1 = 
>>>> """$('#statuses1').prepend($('%s').fadeIn('slow').slideDown('slow'))""" % 
>>>> message1
>>>>         script2 = "$('#statuses1').show('slow')"
>>>>         message2 = """<div class="col-md-8 pull-right" 
>>>> style="width:95vw;"><div class="grid"><div class="grid-header"><img 
>>>> style="height:30px; width: 30px;" src="%s"  class="img-polaroid pull-left" 
>>>> alt="User Profile"><span class="grid-title">%s</span><div 
>>>> class="pull-right 
>>>> grid-tools"><a data-widget="collapse" 
>>>> title="Collapse">%s</a></div></div><div 
>>>> class="grid-body">%s</div></div></div>""" % (URL('download', 
>>>> args=[userPic]) if userPic else "../static/nb/html/assets/img/logo.png", 
>>>> db(
>>>> == 
>>>> request.post_vars.user_id).select().first().full_name, now, 
>>>> request.post_vars.status)
>>>>         message2 = message2.strip().replace("\n", "<br/>")
>>>>         message2 = message2.strip().replace("\r", "")
>>>>         script3 = 
>>>> """$('#statuses2').prepend($('%s').fadeIn('slow').slideDown('slow'))""" % 
>>>> message2
>>>>         script4 = "$('#statuses2').show('slow')"
>>>>         websocket_send('', script1, 'mykey', 
>>>> 'mygroup')
>>>>         websocket_send('', script2, 'mykey', 
>>>> 'mygroup')
>>>>         websocket_send('', script3, 'mykey', 
>>>> 'mygroup')
>>>>         websocket_send('', script4, 'mykey', 
>>>> 'mygroup')
>>>>     return status
>>>> home.html
>>>> <ul class="sidebar-menu">
>>>> <li class="active" id="hm" onclick="ajax('load_home', [], 'mmmm');">
>>>> <a href="#">
>>>> <i class="fa fa-home"></i><span>Home</span>
>>>> </a>
>>>> </li>
>>>> ...
>>>> </ul>
>>>> ...
>>>> <aside class="right-side" id="right-side">
>>>> </aside>
>>>> <script>
>>>>        $(document).ready(function(){
>>>>           var data;
>>>>           $.web2py.web2py_websocket('ws://
>>>> <>
>>>> ',function(e){data=eval('('')')});
>>>>        });
>>>> </script>
>>>> I'm using ajax to call the function *load_home* and load_home is 
>>>> supposed to return a form using LOAD with ajax=True. The normal home 
>>>> function in the controller returns form using LOAD with ajax=True and that 
>>>> works just fine. But now I'm also using to load 
>>>> parts of the page for navigation without whole page reloads, chats, etc. 
>>>> I'm trying to use the same mechanism to reload the home page when the 
>>>> "Home" link is clicked, so that I have the form working just as though the 
>>>> home page was being loaded afresh.... if that makes sense....
>>>> The problem here is that when I use ajax=False in the load_home function
>>>> form = LOAD(c='default', f='statusform', ajax=False, content=XML('<i 
>>>> style="font-size:24px;" class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i>'))
>>>> The form appears just fine (but even that when someone submits the 
>>>> form, it doesn't save the details in the db), but when ajax=True
>>>> form = LOAD(c='default', f='statusform', ajax=True, content=XML('<i 
>>>> style="font-size:24px;" class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i>'))
>>>> The cog icon keeps spinning.
>>>> How can I accomplish what I'm aiming at...

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