
is it possible to use ajax callback to update session value in component?
the same code on ajax callback is work fine when not in component 
(originally take from web2py appliance (estore)
i've tested it and ended with duplicate session during ajax callback to 
update session value in component :
*steps :*
1. choose dvd id = 2 with quantity 2 in sqlform.factory and submitted it
2. update the quantity into 1 in the checkout component

*result checked session value using response.toolbar()*

session.purchase = session.purchase or {}
session_purchase = session.purchase
def test():
return dict()
def purchase_detail_callback():
id = int(request.vars.id)
if request.vars.action == 'remove':
del session.purchase[id]
redirect(request.env.http_web2py_component_location, client_side = True)
if request.vars.action == 'adjust_total_price':
quantity = int(request.vars['quantity_%s' % id])
price = int(request.vars.price)
*session.purchase[id] = quantity*
total_price = quantity * price
total_qty = 0
grand_total = 0
for calculation_id, calculation_quantity in session_purchase.items():
dvd = db.dvd(calculation_id)
calculation_total_price = calculation_quantity * dvd.acquisition_price
total_qty += calculation_quantity
grand_total += calculation_total_price
return "jQuery('#total_price_%s').html(%s); jQuery('#total_qty').html(%s); 
jQuery('#grand_total').html(%s);" % (id, total_price, total_qty, 

{{extend 'layout.html'}}
{{=LOAD('test', 'purchase_cart.load', ajax = True, vars = 
{'reload_div':'map'} ) }}
{{=LOAD('test', 'purchase_checkout.load', ajax = True, target = 'map') }}

{{total_qty = 0 }}
{{grand_total = 0 }}
<table class="table table-condensed table-hover">
        <th>{{=T('DVD') }}</th>
        <th>{{=T('Price') }}</th>
        <th>{{=T('Quantity') }}</th>
        <th>{{=T('Total Price') }}</th>
        <th>{{=T('Action') }}</td>
{{for id, qty in order.items():}}
{{p = db.dvd(id) }}
{{total_price = qty * p.acquisition_price}}
{{total_qty += qty}}
{{grand_total += total_price}}
        <td>{{=SPAN(p.title) }}</td>
        <td>{{=SPAN('Rp. %s' % format(p.acquisition_price, ",d") ) }}</td>
<span class="col-xs-3">
<input name="{{='quantity_%s' % p.id}}" value="{{=qty}}" 
onkeyup="ajax('{{=URL('purchase_detail_callback', vars = dict(id = p.id, 
action = 'adjust_total_price', 
price = p.acquisition_price) ) }}', ['{{='quantity_%s' % p.id}}'], ':eval' 
)" />
<td>Rp. {{=SPAN('%s' % format(total_price, ",d"), _id = 'total_price_%s' % 
p.id) }}</td>
{{=SPAN(A(I(_class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign'), 
callback=URL('purchase_detail_callback', vars=dict(id=p.id, 
action='remove') ), 
delete='tr', _title='Remove from Order') ) }}
        <td>{{=B(T('Grand Total') ) }}</td>
<td>{{=SPAN('%s' % format(total_qty, ",d"), _id = 'total_qty') }}</td>
<td>Rp. {{=SPAN('%s' % format(grand_total, ",d"), _id = 'grand_total') 

thanks and best regards,

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