I've just fixed it :D

The thing is that those parameters (that fix up the issue with clob types 
and pyodbc) can be passed trough the web2py connection string, so it is now 
as follows:

db_tivoli = 
                migrate=False, pool_size=0, attempts=1)

I'm so happy :)

El lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015, 10:56:49 (UTC-6), Boris Aramis Aguilar 
Rodríguez escribió:
> Hi, web2py data type is text; 
> I see in this post: 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/web2py/ODBC$20data$20type$20-99/web2py/6xxz8KXBXCY/pcpdiPQh1K4J
> that it is the normal behavior of web2py, to map text-clob on IBM DB2 
> databases. 
> Also on the same post they propose a solution editing db2cli.ini file but 
> I don't know how to configure db2cli.ini (I mean, I know how to open it, 
> where it is but I don't understand which alias should I put on the file)
> Any help I will really appreciate it.
> Thanks!
> El sábado, 25 de abril de 2015, 5:24:41 (UTC-6), Paolo Valleri escribió:
>> you should provide us more info...
>> which web2py type are you using that is mapped to CLOB field?
>> web2py/pyodbc version
>> Paolo
>> On Friday, April 24, 2015 at 6:17:53 PM UTC+2, Boris Aramis Aguilar 
>> Rodríguez wrote:
>>> <class pyodbc.Error'> ('ODBC data type -99 is not supported. Cannot read 
>>> column LDTEXT.', 'HY000') 
>>> Hi, Im currently accesing a DB2 database (readonly) that is used by 
>>> another application, my connection string is as follows: 
>>> db_tivoli = 
>>> DAL('db2:pyodbc://driver=DB2;hostname=;database=MAXDB71;uid=on_usr;pwd=pass.;port=50005',
>>> pool_size=1, db_codec='latin1', migrate=False) 
>>> and everything was going fine until I added a clobdata type to web2py 
>>> data code 
>>> And now I'm getting the error I referenced above (sorry I couldnt paste 
>>> it in order, Im on my phone) Any hints I would appreciate it :)

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