Ron, are you saying that there is some kind of malware in dummy app?


On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 11:47 PM, Ron Chatterjee <>

> Caveat to that, is there a way to have to SQLFORM top and bottom like the
> picture attached?
> Its more like a django kind of admin panel feature. But in web2py, can we
> have the post and comment (two tables), embedded so when someone click on
> the blue "plus" sign a comment box shows up and people insert the comment
> on each post. Its one to many relationship (like attached picture).
> If someone really trying to know what I mean by that, here is the class
> definition generated for django.
> class Post(models.Model):
>     created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, db_index=True)
>     title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
>     slug = models.SlugField()
>     body = models.TextField()
>     comments = models.ManyToManyField('Comment')
>     def get_absolute_url(self):
>         return reverse('post', kwargs={"slug": self.slug})
>     def __unicode__(self):
>         return self.title
>     class Meta:
>         ordering = ["-created_at"]
> class Comment(models.Model):
>     created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
>     body = models.TextField(verbose_name="Comment")
>     author = models.CharField(verbose_name="Name", max_length=255)
> By the way, this app thats call "", please be aware
> that it has some nasty nested stuff in it. Once I installed it was crawling
> all over desktop and wouldn't uninstall except from the DOS mode. Not fair.
> On Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 3:53:15 PM UTC-4, LoveWeb2py wrote:
>> No problem, Richard. Thank you for your help!
>> On Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 11:45:28 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>> No time to hunt the issue with multiples loading...
>> I guess it could come from not using the same web2py version... Or
>> because I made some change over app files which are binded to web2py
>> version /statis/js/web2py.js for instance... or views/web2py_ajax.html
>> You have at least an semi-working example... There is 2 issues that
>> remain : 1) The component load the whole site which he shouldn't (that may
>> be related to the second issue), 2) When you access the
>> http://hostname/appname/second_table_form/second_table there is a weird
>> issue with LOAD...
>> I may have more time next week, but for now, I can't help you further...
>> Richard
>> On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 11:11 AM, LoveWeb2py <> wrote:
>> Repeating load might be because I extended the layout in the view for the
>> load.
>> On Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 10:22:41 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>> Almost there... I make it works, but there is something weird going on
>> related to component... I have to figure it out... But you were doing thing
>> the wrong way basically...  add_function is for the main_table which
>> contains the city name...
>> I will send you back the corrected app when I found the issue with the
>> repeating load...
>> Richard
>> On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 4:39 PM, LoveWeb2py <> wrote:
>> No rush, Richard. Thank you for your help I really appreciate it.
>> On Monday, May 11, 2015 at 4:34:14 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>> I will try to review it ASAP...
>> On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 4:30 PM, LoveWeb2py <> wrote:
>> Here is my dummy app, Richard.
>> On Monday, May 11, 2015 at 3:50:20 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>> Did you make dummy app for testing it?
>> Please attach it here and I have a look to your code... I can't help much
>> if I don't have a good idea of what you have done...
>> new_exp_num=form.vars.exp_num
>> This is something I left which should be adapted to your app...
>> form.vars.exp_num is the representation of the new inputed record... The
>> same field name you specify in the widget declaration for the field
>> attribute : db.table.representing_field, but that you get from the form
>> of the referenced table.
>> Richard
>> On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 3:28 PM, LoveWeb2py <> wrote:
>> Thanks haha. Just checking. Still not having much luck. I'm getting a 500
>> error on the add function and can't figure out why
>> when I try to edit my site I am getting an error for the "add function"
>> specified to add the
>> def add_function():
>>     """
>>     Modal form for adding element
>>     """
>>     buttons = [TAG.button((I('', _class='icon-ok icon-large icon-white'),
>> CAT('  '), STRONG(T('Add'))),
>>                           _type='submit',
>>                           _class='btn btn-small btn-primary',
>>                           _id='add_button_id',
>>                           _name='add_button',
>>                           )]
>>     form = SQLFORM(db.table, buttons=buttons, formstyle=formstyle,
>> separator=separator)
>>     response.js = '$(document).ready(function(){
>> $(".input_wrapper").has(".error").addClass("inputError"); ' \
>>                   '$(".w2p_fw").has(".error").addClass("control-group
>> error"); ' \
>>                   '$(".w2p_fw").each(function(){
>> $(this).find(".error_wrapper").appendTo(this); }); });'
>>     response.js += '$(document).ready(function(){
>> $("textarea").elastic(); });'
>>     response.js += '$(document).ready(function () {
>> $("[rel=tooltip]").tooltip(); });'
>>     if form.process(formname='add_form').accepted:
>>         response.flash = T("Added")
>>         target = request.args(0)
>>         # close modal
>>         response.js = '$("#{target}_modal-form").modal("hide");'.format(
>> target=target)
>>         # update the select options
>>         response.js += """$("#{target}").append(
>>                            "<option value='{new_id}'>
>>                                {new_id}
>>                            </option>");""".format(target=target, new_id=
>>         # select newly added option
>>         response.js += """$("#{target}").val("{new_exp_num}");
>>                           $('#{target}').keyup(); $('#{target}').blur();
>> """.format(target=target,
>>          new_exp_num=form.vars.exp_num)
>>     elif form.errors:
>>         response.flash = ''
>>     else:
>>         response.flash = ''
>>     return dict(form=form)
>> Do I need to actually specify the db.table? From the looks of the class I
>> thought it would be defined on its own... am I wrong?
>> Sorry for asking so many questions. I think this will be really helpful
>> when it's all finished.
>> On Monday, May 11, 2015 at 2:59:21 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>> The commented lines in the class was there because I recently refactor it
>> to make it use boostrap modal instead of jquery ui dialog as you may
>> understand carefully reading the code!!
>> :-P
>> Richard
>> On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 2:40 PM, LoveWeb2py <> wrote:
>> Are the commented lines necessary or was that for self reference?
>> # js += '$("#%s_option_add_trigger").
>> click(function() {' \
>>         #       '    $("#%s_dialog-form").dialog("open");' \
>>         #       '    return false;' \
>>         #       '    }); ' % (my_select_id, my_select_id)
>> On Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 9:33:28 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>> you need bootstrap 2.3.2 (not tested with BS3, but I am pretty sure it is
>> not working, too differents)...
>> Did you try it with a recent web2py setup? I would suggest you try with
>> web2py 2.9.5 which is what I use actually and it works...
>> Richard
>> On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 9:20 AM, LoveWeb2py <> wrote:
>> Another observation:
>> All of this code:
>> js += '$(function() {' \
>>               '    $("#%s_option_add_trigger").button({' \
>>               '        text: true,' \
>>               '        icons: {' \
>>               '            primary: "ui-icon-circle-plus"' \
>>               '        }' \
>>               '    });' \
>>               '});' % (my_select_id)
>>         js += '$(function() { ' \
>>               '    $( "#%s_option_add_trigger" ).css("margin-left",
>> "+=5"); ' \
>>               '});' % (my_select_id)
>>         js += 
>> '$("#{modal_id}").appendTo("body");'.format(modal_id=my_select_id
>> + "_modal-form")
>> Get's commented out when it's rendered so it ends up looking like this
>> <!-- $(document).read(function() .... .appendTo("body");}); //-->
>> Any idea why that could be happening and would that impact the button
>> showing the modal
>> On Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 8:45:49 AM UTC-4, LoveWeb2py wrote:
>> Hi Richard!
>> I think I'm getting close. No more errors, and I applied the widget to
>> the field successfully. I see the + sign next to my field, but nothing
>> happens when I click it so I'm going over the javascript with a fine tooth
>> comb. Is there any additional .js or .css files I need to include?
>> This is really looking promising!
>> On Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 12:42:34 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>> Let say the FK field is field2 :
>> Field('field2','reference main_table',  # Better syntax thand
>> "db.main_table"
>>          widget=AutocompleteWidgetSelectOrAddOption(
>>                                                 request=request,
>> field=db.main_table.field1,  # which is you reprensting field
>> ,
>>                                                 limitby=(0, 10),  # how
>> much records you want in the dropbox
>>                                                 min_length=6,  # when you
>> want the autocomplete pop in or how many caracters user have to entered
>> before the autocomplete kickin
>>                                                 form_title=T('Add new
>> title'),
>>                                                 controller="controler
>> name that contains the below function",
>>                                                 function="your add
>> function name",
>>                                                 button_text=T('Add new'),
>>                                                 placeholder=T('Start
>> typing...'))
>> Richard
>> On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 12:34 PM, LoveWeb2py <> wrote:
>> Thank you, Richard. I think i'm getting closer. Could you show me an
>> example of how you apply this to a specific field in SQLFORM?
>> Going back to my original model:
>> db.define_table('main_table',
>>         Field('field1','string'),
>>         Field('field2','string'),
>>         migrate=False)
>> db.define_table('second_table',
>>         Field('field1','db.main_table'),
>>         Field('field2','db.main_table')
>>         migrate=False)
>> How could I integrate your widget with field 2 for a SQLFORM?
>> On Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 9:40:02 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>> The id field and what field you want to show as a representation of the
>> id field of the referenced table...
>> Start by putting the widget class in model file even if it not a good
>> thing to see if you can make it works...
>> In the module I have these imports :
>> from gluon.html import *
>> from gluon.sqlhtml import *
>> from gluon import current
>> from gluon.compileapp import LOAD
>> Which may not be related to the widget class...
>> Richard
>> On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 4:28 PM, LoveWeb2py <> wrote:
>> Hi Richard,
>> I'm trying to get this setup, but am receiving an error self.url =
>> URL(args=request.args)\nNameError: global name \'URL\' is not defined\n'.
>> I'm wondering if this is because the gluon hasn't been imported yet.
>> Also, could you ellaborate more on this?
>> field=db.table.representing_field,
>> id_field=db.table.id_field,
>> id_field should be the foreignkey table if I am not mistaking?
>> db.table.representing field, and db.table2.id_field (with foreign key) does
>> that sound right?
>> On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 10:04:35 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>> *# In a modules :*
>> class AutocompleteWidgetSelectOrAddOption(object):
>>     _class = 'string'
>>     def __init__(self,
>>                  request,
>>                  field,
>>                  id_field=None,
>>                  db=None,
>>                  orderby=None,
>>                  limitby=(0, 10),
>>                  keyword='_autocomplete_%(fieldname)s',
>>                  min_length=2,
>>                  #
>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>                  # From : SelectOrAddOption
>>                  controller=None, function=None, form_title=None,
>>                  button_text = None, dialog_width=1000,
>>                  #
>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>                  placeholder=None
>>                  ):
>>         self.request = request
>>         self.keyword = keyword % dict(
>>         self.db = db or field._db
>>         self.orderby = orderby
>>         self.limitby = limitby
>>         self.min_length = min_length
>>         self.fields = [field]
>>         self.placeholder = placeholder
>>         if id_field:
>>             self.is_reference = True
>>             self.fields.append(id_field)
>>         else:
>>             self.is_reference = False
>>         if hasattr(request, 'application'):
>>             self.url = URL(args=request.args)
>>             self.callback()
>>         else:
>>             self.url = request
>>         #
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>         # From : SelectOrAddOption
>>         if form_title is None:
>>             self.form_title = current.T('Add New')
>>         else:
>>             self.form_title = current.T(form_title)
>>         if button_text is None:
>>             self.button_text = current.T('Add')
>>         else:
>>             self.button_text = current.T(button_text)
>>         self.dialog_width = dialog_width
>>         self.controller = controller
>>         self.function = function
>>         #
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     def callback(self):
>>         if self.keyword in self.request.vars:
>>             field = self.fields[0]
>>             rows = self.db([self.keyword]+'%')
>>                            ).select(orderby=self.orderby,
>> limitby=self.limitby, *self.fields)
>>             if rows:
>>                 if self.is_reference:
>>                     id_field = self.fields[1]
>>                     raise HTTP(200, SELECT(_id=self.keyword,
>> _class='autocomplete',
>>                                            _size=len(rows),
>> _multiple=(len(rows) == 1),
>>                                            *[OPTION(s[],
>> _value=s[],
>>                                                     _selected=(k == 0))
>>                                              for k, s in
>> enumerate(rows)]).xml())
>>                 else:
>>                     raise HTTP(200, SELECT(_id=self.keyword,
>> _class='autocomplete',
>>                                            _size=len(rows),
>> _multiple=(len(rows) == 1),
>>                                            *[OPTION(s[],
>>                                                     _selected=(k == 0))
>>                                              for k, s in
>> enumerate(rows)]).xml())
>>             else:
>>                 raise HTTP(200, '')
>>     def __call__(self, field, value, **attributes):
>>         #
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>         # From : SelectOrAddOption
>>         my_select_id = '%s_%s' % (field._tablename,
>>         # 'test_ph_eregistry_id' #select_widget.attributes.get('_id',
>> None)
>>         add_args = [my_select_id]
>>         # create a div that will load the specified controller via ajax
>>         # form_loader_div = DIV(LOAD(c=self.controller, f=self.function,
>> args=add_args, ajax=True),
>>         #                       _id=my_select_id + "_dialog-form",
>> _title=self.form_title)
>>         form_loader_div = DIV(DIV(BUTTON('x', _type='button',
>> _class='close',
>>                                          **{'_data-dismiss': 'modal',
>>                                             '_aria-hidden': 'true'}),
>>                                   H3(self.form_title,
>> _id='myModalLabel'), _class='modal-header'),
>>                               DIV(LOAD(c=self.controller,
>> f=self.function, args=add_args, aj
>> ...
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