Does SQLTABLE produce the output you need, except you want different
column headers and maybe slightly different coloration of the THEAD
row? The Javascript below does exactly that. The combination of
SQLTABLE and the code below has sped up my table builds so I thought I
would share.


Add the modthead() to your existing .ready statement in your View.


list - an array of header names. Number of elements should match the
number of columns in the table. A mismatch throws an alert but
continues processing.

fg - foreground color text styling.

bg - background color text styling.


No pagination provided.
No multitable support in the view. It operates on the first table

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {

modthead(['L Name','F Name','Phone'],'#55ccff','#ccff55');

function modthead(list,fg,bg){

   var thcount;
   var i;

   thcount = $("#columnA_columnless").find('th').size();
   if (thcount != list.length) {alert("Header length mismatch"); };

   for (i=0; i < thcount; i++) {
        $("#columnA_columnless").find('th').eq(i).css("color",  fg).css
("background-color", bg).attr("textContent", list[i]);

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