I've submitted a pull request under the username Peregrinius.

As noted my initial code relies on register_bare, which seems to have since 
been removed.

On Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 5:19:07 PM UTC+12, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> think this is an excellent idea. Please submit a pull request.
> On Wednesday, 20 May 2015 03:12:24 UTC-5, James Burke wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm looking for a peer review of some code I put together for email 
>> inviting users to join an application. I couldn't find anything suitable 
>> looking around, hopefully I didn't overlook anything!
>> The idea is, you enter in email addresses into a form, click submit and 
>> it will send an email to the email address with an invite to your 
>> application. The email will contain a link which the user clicks to take 
>> them to a form to fill in the rest of their required details, name etc.
>> I've tested this and it works, but I would like to know what others 
>> thoughts are and there are any improvements that could be made.
>> Thank you!
>> *default.py controller*
>> def index():
>>     form=FORM('Enter a comma separated list of emails to send invites:',
>>               BR(),
>>               INPUT(_id='emails', _value=''),
>>               INPUT(_type='submit'))
>>     if form.accepts(request,session):
>>         # send the invitations
>>         for email in form.vars.email.split(','):
>>             auth.invite_user(email=email)
>>         response.flash = 'Invitations sent'
>>     return dict(form=form)
>> def confirm_registration():
>>     return dict(form=auth.confirm_registration())
>> *gluon/tools.py*
>> def confirm_registration(
>>         self,
>>         next=DEFAULT,
>>         onvalidation=DEFAULT,
>>         onaccept=DEFAULT,
>>         log=DEFAULT,
>>         ):
>>         """
>>         Modified version of Auth.reset_password()
>>         """
>>         table_user = self.table_user()
>>         request = current.request
>>         # response = current.response
>>         session = current.session
>>         if next is DEFAULT:
>>             next = self.get_vars_next() or self.settings.
>> reset_password_next
>>         if self.settings.prevent_password_reset_attacks:
>>             key = request.vars.key
>>             if not key and len(request.args)>1:
>>                 key = request.args[-1]
>>             if key:
>>                 session._reset_password_key = key
>>                 redirect(self.url('confirm_registration'))
>>             else:
>>                 key = session._reset_password_key
>>         else:
>>             key = request.vars.key or getarg(-1)
>>         try:
>>             t0 = int(key.split('-')[0])
>>             if time.time() - t0 > 60 * 60 * 24:
>>                 raise Exception
>>             user = table_user(reset_password_key=key)
>>             if not user:
>>                 raise Exception
>>         except Exception as e:
>>             session.flash = self.messages.invalid_reset_password
>>             redirect(self.url('login', vars=dict(test=e)))
>>             redirect(next, client_side=self.settings.client_side)
>>         passfield = self.settings.password_field
>>         form = SQLFORM.factory(
>>             Field('first_name',
>>                   label='First Name',
>>                    required=True),
>>             Field('last_name',
>>                   label='Last Name',
>>                    required=True),
>>             Field('new_password', 'password',
>>                   label=self.messages.new_password,
>>                   requires=self.table_user()[passfield].requires),
>>             Field('new_password2', 'password',
>>                   label=self.messages.verify_password,
>>                   requires=[IS_EXPR(
>>                       'value==%s' % repr(request.vars.new_password),
>>                                     self.messages.mismatched_password)]),
>>             submit_button='Confirm Registration',
>>             hidden=dict(_next=next),
>>             formstyle=self.settings.formstyle,
>>             separator=self.settings.label_separator
>>         )
>>         if form.accepts(request, session,
>>                         hideerror=self.settings.hideerror):
>>             user.update_record(
>>                 **{passfield: str(form.vars.new_password),
>>                    'first_name': str(form.vars.first_name),
>>                    'last_name': str(form.vars.last_name),
>>                    'registration_key': '',
>>                    'reset_password_key': ''})
>>             session.flash = self.messages.password_changed
>>             if self.settings.login_after_password_change:
>>                 self.login_user(user)
>>             redirect(next, client_side=self.settings.client_side)
>>         return form
>>     def email_registration(self, user):
>>         """
>>         Modified version of Auth.email_reset_password()
>>         """
>>         import
>> ...

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