Thanks, I will try working with these.

On Sun, 2009-06-14 at 06:19 -0700, Fran wrote:
> def email_user(sender,message,subject="group notice"):
>     import smtplib
>     fromaddr=sender
>     toaddrs=[ for x in db().select(]
>     msg="From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n\r\n%s"%(fromaddr,",
> ".join(toaddrs),subject,message)
>     server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost:25')
>     server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg)
>     server.quit()
> def index():
>     form=SQLFORM(db.message,fields=
> ['your_name','your_email','your_message'])
>     if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
>        subject='cfgroup message from '+form.vars.your_name
>        email_user(sender=form.vars.your_email,\
>                   message=form.vars.your_message,\
>                   subject=subject)
>        response.flash='your message has been submitted'
>     elif form.errors:
>        response.flash='please check the form and try again'
>     return dict(top_message=TOP_MESSAGE,form=form)

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