On Wednesday, December 11, 2013 at 10:01:39 PM UTC+1, Mark Li wrote:
> I looked into the code and my web2py.js was not the same as the github 
> link, which I noticed because my forminputclickselector did not contain 
> :not([name])
> . When I diff-ed the original link for the newest web2py.js, with my 
> current web2py.js, it showed no difference. Very odd, maybe I had an old 
> web2py.js in browser cache. Sorry for the confusion.
I have the same problem now -all of my (non-submit!) buttons got 
'Working...' message when submitting the form.
 I checked the github link again... The lines do not match anymore, but I 
have not found not([name]) anywhere now... How do I disable this behaviour?


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