If your function returns a dictionary, web2py assumes you want to execute a 
view. If you haven't created a view, it will use generic.html (by default, 
this only works for local requests). If you just want to return the raw 
HTML generated in the controller without then executing a view, then just 
return the HTML (i.e., no dictionary).

Additionally, you might want to consider building the HTML using the web2py 
HTML helpers rather than building it via strings. In that case, you can 
just return the final HTML helper, and it will automatically be converted 
to an HTML string before returning to the browser.

If you do actually have a view that is being executed and you want to 
insert raw HTML, you would wrap it in XML() (though, again, you could 
instead just use the web2py HTML helpers and not bother with XML()).


On Friday, August 7, 2015 at 11:50:47 AM UTC-4, Luis Valladares wrote:
> Hello!
> I've a form where i store country, state and municipality and i need to 
> dynamcally change the value based on the select, i mean: If i select a X 
> country i need to display only the states of the country "X" in the states 
> dropdown, the same with municipality
> I used a basic approach that i've used many times befores in other 
> languages, a jquery function on dropdown change that ajax call a page and 
> it returns the options and put it into the dropdown, i've been researching 
> and found this really helpful: 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10387672/web2py-dropdown-menu, so 
> based on this answer i build this structure:
> On the controller: 
> def ajaxMunicipio():
>     if request.args(0) in db.estados.id:
>         response.generic_patterns = ['load']
>         data = db(db.municipios.estado == request.args(0)).select()
>         html = "\<select\>"
>         for fila in data:
>             html += "\<option value=\""+str(fila.id
> )+"\"\>"+fila.nombre+"\</option\>"
>         html += "\</select\>"
>         return dict(form=html)
>     else:
>         raise HTTP(404)
> And on the view:
>   jQuery(function() {
>     jQuery('#no_table_estado_id').change(function() {
>       var request = $.ajax({
>         url: "{{=URL('hot', 'ajaxMunicipio.load')}}" + "/" + 
> jQuery(this).val(),
>         method: "GET",
>         dataType: "html"
>     });    
>       request.done(function(html) {
>         console.log(html)
>         $("#no_table_municipio_id").val(html);
>       });
>     })
>   })
> everything works well on the call side but i recieve the HTML sanitized 
> like this: \&lt;select\&gt;\&lt;option 
> value=&quot;1&quot;\&gt;LIBERTADOR\&lt;/option\&gt;\&lt;/select\&gt;
> So i'm looking for a way to avoid web2py to sanitize the html, or maybe a 
> cleanest way to do this because i dont really like looping the data in the 
> controller in order to create the HTML
> I appreciate any help you can give! Thanks for your atention

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