I like this approach but I'm getting an error:
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'> unbound method formatter() must be called 
with Validator instance as first argument (got list instance instead)

Is there a sample app or update with this Tag approach?

On Friday, January 17, 2014 at 1:12:00 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> list:reference is faster for finding referenced fields
> many-to-many are faster for finding referencing fields.
> Usually categories are nested. I assume you want tags instead of 
> categories (it is more general). I usually use both approaches and 
> de-normalize it. 
> Below there is class Tag (which is a little complex but can be used out of 
> the box) and some example of usage:
> class Tag(object):
>     class Validator(object):
>         def __call__(self,values):
>             if isinstance(values,str):
>                 values = values.split(',')
>             tags = [IS_SLUG.urlify(x) for x in values]
>             tags = [x.lower() for x in tags if x]
>             return (tags, None)
>         def formatter(self,values):
>             return ', '.join(values) if values else ''
>     @staticmethod
>     def represent(v,r=None):
>         return SPAN(*(SPAN(t,_class='tag') for t in v)) if v else ''
>     @staticmethod
>     def after_insert(fields, record_id, field2):
>         if 'tags' in fields:
>             for tag in fields.tags:
>                 d = {'name':tag, field2.name:record_id}
>                 field2.table.insert(**d)
>     @staticmethod
>     def after_update(dbset,fields,field1,field2):
>         if 'tags' in fields:
>             subquery = dbset._select(field1.table.id)
>             field2._db(field2.belongs(subquery)).delete()
>             for tag in fields.tags:
>                 d = {'name':tag, field2.name:record_id}
>                 field2.table.insert(**d)
>     @staticmethod
>     def connect(field1,name="tag"):
>         db = field1._db
>         table = 
> db.define_table(name,Field('name'),Field(field1.name,'reference 
> thing'))
>         field2 = table[field1.name]
>         field1.requires = Tag.Validator
>         field1.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget
>         field1.represent = Tag.represent
>         field1.table._after_insert.append(lambda f,u: 
> Tag.after_insert(f,u,field2))
>         field1.table._after_update.append(lambda f,u: 
> Tag.after_insert(f,u,field1,field2))
>     @staticmethod
>     def has_all(field1,tags,name="tag",mode="and"):
>         db = field1._db
>         table = db[name]
>         if isinstance(tags,str):
>             tags = [tags]
>         queries = []
>         for tag in tags:
>             queries.append(field1.table.id.belongs(db(table.name
> ==tag)._select(table[field1.name])))
>         if mode=='and':
>             return reduce(lambda a,b:a&b, queries)
>         else:
>             return reduce(lambda a,b:a|b, queries)
>     @staticmethod
>     def has_any(field1,tags,name="tag"):
>         return Tag.has_all(field1,tags,name=name,mode="or")
> ### example of usage
> db.define_table('thing', Field('name'), Field('tags','list:string'))
> Tag.connect(db.thing.tags)
> db.thing.insert(name='table', tags=['round','blue'])
> print db(Tag.has_all(db.thing.tags,['round'])).select(db.thing.ALL)
> print db(Tag.has_all(db.thing.tags,['blue'])).select(db.thing.ALL)
> print db(Tag.has_all(db.thing.tags,['red'])).select(db.thing.ALL)
> print db(Tag.has_all(db.thing.tags,['blue', 'round'])).select(db.thing.ALL)
> print db(Tag.has_any(db.thing.tags,['red','round'])).select(db.thing.ALL)
> On Friday, 17 January 2014 03:21:52 UTC-6, Najtsirk wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a dilemma about *list:reference, multiple=True vs. many-to-many 
>> with intermediate table.*
>> I have Projects which haveto be in several categories. 
>> Is it better to use list:reference (to list categories from the 
>> categories table) or many-to-many? Which is faster in queries?
>> Thanks for the answers.

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