
I'm building a web2py site and i want to use polymer as my front-end 
"framework", as you may know polymer uses web elements with custom html 
tags, i mean, a input is something can be something like

<my-custom-input type=string size=3></my-custom-input>

I want to integrate this "feature" with the web2py SQLFORM module, after a 
bit of research i came with this approach, im not sure if its correct so i 
accept suggestion:

i've to override all the FormWidget class inside sqlhtml.py and modify all 
widget to generate a HTML output adapted to my custom tags, also create a 
custom formstyle related to polymer and maybe (and this is one of the 
problems i've found) create some sort of custom HTML helper for generating 
the HTML custom tags.

I think i miss a lot of changes needed for this to work well, so i am 
looking for opinions in this matter, i'm correct in my planning, or maybe 
there is a easier path to join SQLFORM and Polymer, or may be better to 
work without SQLFORM?

Thank for any help you can provide

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