I tried:
db.mentors.auth_user_id.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, 'auth_user.id', '%(name)s', 
orderby = db.auth_user.first_name)
but it had no effect. I read on another question about building and 
ordering a set and then using IS_IN_SET on that but I'm not sure how to go 
about doing that; can I do a query right below my mentor table definition 
in the model? Sorry for being such a noob.

On Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 12:48:10 PM UTC-7, Niphlod wrote:
> a proper IS_IN_DB with the correct orderby in models should be the easiest 
> way to go.
> On Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 8:33:06 PM UTC+1, Evan Caldwell wrote:
>> I am having a hard time ordering a dropdown in a SQLFORM alphabetically.
>> In my model:
>> db.define_table('departments',
>>     Field('name', notnull=True, unique=True),
>>     Field('college_id','reference college', label='College'),
>>     Field('department_rep_user_id','reference auth_user', 
>> label='Department Representative'),
>>     auth.signature,
>>     format='%(name)s')
>> db.define_table('mentors',
>>     Field('auth_user_id', 'reference auth_user', unique=True),
>>     Field('department_id', 'reference departments', label='Department'),
>>     auth.signature,
>>     format=repr_mentor_table)
>> db.define_table('abstracts',
>>     Field('title', notnull=True, unique=True),
>>     Field('college_id', 'reference college', label='College'),
>>     Field('department_id', 'reference departments', label='Abstract 
>> Department'),
>>     Field('mentor_id', 'reference mentors', label='Mentor'),
>>     Field('classes_id', 'reference classes', label='Class', comment="If 
>> your abstract is connected to a specific class (perhaps as a class 
>> project), select your class. Otherwise, select 'Does not apply'"),
>>     Field('session_id', 'reference sessions', label='Session'),
>>     Field('presentation_format_id', 'reference presentation_formats', 
>> label='Presentation Format'),
>>     Field('body','text'),
>>     Field('attatchment', 'upload'),
>>     Field('location_id', 'reference locations', label='Location'),
>>     Field('conference_id', 'reference conferences', label='Conference'),
>>     Field('presentation_time', 'time', notnull=False, requires=IS_TIME(), 
>> label='Presentation Time'),
>>     Field('booth_space', label='Booth Space'),
>>     Field('initial_approval', 'boolean', label='Initial Approval', 
>> default=None),
>>     Field('final_approval', 'boolean', label='Final Approval', 
>> default=None),
>>     Field('competing_status', 'boolean', label='Competing Status', 
>> default=None),
>>     auth.signature,
>>     format='%(title)s',
>>     singular="Abstract",
>>     plural="Abstracts",
>>     )
>> In the controller
>> def abstracts():
>>     response.title = "Abstracts"
>>     def get_primary_author(abstract_row):
>>         author_row = db(
>>             (db.abstract_author.primary_author==True) &
>>             (db.abstract_author.abstract_id==abstract_row.id) &
>>             (db.abstract_author.auth_user_id==db.auth_user.id)
>>             ).select(
>>                 db.auth_user.first_name,
>>                 db.auth_user.last_name).first()
>>         return author_row.first_name + ' ' + author_row.last_name
>>     def abstracts_body_represent(body, row):
>>         sanitized = str(rcwc_sanitizer(body))
>>         # This is really fragile. For some reason the grid isn't enforcing
>>         # maxtextlength if the represent is called.
>>         if len(request.args) == 1: # not on the grid page
>>             sanitized = "{0}...".format(sanitized[:100])
>>         return XML(sanitized) # If this returns a string it isn't used
>>     db.abstracts.body.represent = abstracts_body_represent
>>     grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(
>>             db.abstracts,
>>             user_signature=False,
>>             searchable=True,
>>             linked_tables=['abstract_author'],
>>             links=[
>>                 {"header": "Primary Author", "body":get_primary_author},
>>                 ],
>>             links_placement="left",
>>             paginate=75,
>>             )
>>     return locals()
>> When I go to create a new abstract in the abstracts table the dropdown 
>> for Mentors (mentor_id field) is not alphabetically ordered. Can this be 
>> accomplished in the model or would I need to work it out in the controller?

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