I would not make this a reference fields. I would make it a IS_IN_SET(...) 
field. This is because possible nationalities do not change very often and 
are definitively not changed by the user.

On Tuesday, 9 February 2016 05:34:29 UTC-6, xmarx wrote:
> db.define_table('Person',
>                 Field('last_name', 'string'),
>                 Field('name', 'string'),
>                 Field('telephone', 'string'),
>                 Field('email', 'string'),
>                 Field('nationality','reference Nationalities',default=1), 
>                 format= '%(last_name)s,%(name)s '
>                )
> default=the id of USA in Nationalities table
> 9 Şubat 2016 Salı 04:35:41 UTC+2 tarihinde Winter Kryz yazdı:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I am new in web2py, I have 2 tables called 'Nationalities' and 'Person'
>> db.define_table('Nationalities',
>>                 Field('description', 'string'),
>>                 common_filter = lambda query:db.Nationalities.description 
>> != 'United States',
>>                 format='%(description)s'
>>                )
>> db.define_table('Person',
>>                 Field('last_name', 'string'),
>>                 Field('name', 'string'),
>>                 Field('telephone', 'string'),
>>                 Field('email', 'string'),
>>                 Field('nationality','reference 
>> Nationalities',requires=IS_IN_DB(db(db.Nationalities.description), 
>> 'Nationalities.description', zero=T('United States'))),
>>                 format= '%(last_name)s,%(name)s '
>>                )
>> in 'Nationalities', I have listed all the countries of world and what I 
>> get is a dropdown list filled with them
>> Now what I want to do is to display a particular country, let's say 
>> 'United States', at top to be ID 0 in my dropdownlist so when somebody 
>> fills the form the list shows 'United States' by default. I tried to do a 
>> query that shows all the countries except US in the list and then set 'US' 
>> as Zero but of course it didn't work because it says that the value that 
>> zero has it doesn't exist on the database.
>> Please, I need some help because I'm stuck on this.
>> Thanks!

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