I tried that and it did *NOT* work with *Web2Py Components* 

But it does work well on normal HTML Forms submission.
So, are you sure that it worked for you with Web2Py Components 
If so, then I am doing something wrong.
*(And do you really know about Web2Py Components 
I am referring to here? Please click the link to know what exactly I am 
referring to by Web2Py Components 
That will give you a better idea of what I am trying to do, and also, what 
I might be getting wrong as well.)*

Thanks a lot โ€“ for the code! Now, make it work with *LOAD()* โ€“ that is what 
I am trying to do.


On Wednesday, 17 February 2016 08:37:27 UTC-5, Javier Pepe wrote:
> Hello
> This work for me:
> Controller:
> def textarea():
>     form=FORM('Texto:',
>               TEXTAREA(_name='texto', 
> requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(),_id='mytextarea'),
>               INPUT(_type='submit'))
>     return locals()
> View:
> <script src='//cdn.tinymce.com/4/tinymce.min.js'></script>
>   <script>
>   tinymce.init({
>     selector: '#mytextarea'
>   });
>   </script>
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> {{=form}}

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