In my sqlforms, I solved the issue with css.

Prerequisite 1: formstyle = divs
Prerequisite 2: you have to know the id of the field outer div i.e. that 
containing the div.w2p_fl and the div.w2p_fw
                     Generally it is build as tablename_fieldname__row (for 
more on this subject see

For example in a auth login form having formstyle = divs the field 
containing the "remember me checkbox" will be rendered:

<div id="auth_user_remember_me__row"> <!-- this is the id that you have to 
know -->
 <div class="w2p_fl">
 <label class="" for="auth_user_remember_me" id=
"auth_user_remember_me__label">Ricordami (per 30 giorni)</label>
 <div class="w2p_fw">
 <input class="boolean" id="auth_user_remember_me" name="remember_me" type=
"checkbox" value="on">
 <div class="w2p_fc"></div>

So by setting in a custom css:

#auth_user_remember_me__row {
    display: -ms-flexbox;
    -webkit-display: flex;
    display: flex;

#auth_user_remember_me__row .w2p_fl {
    -ms-flex-order: 2;
    -webkit-order: 2;
    order: 2;

#auth_user_remember_me__row .w2p_fw {
    -ms-flex-order: 1;
    -webkit-order: 1;
    order: 1;

we should have the chackbox on the left and its label on the right.

maybe you will need to add more rules depending on the css framework you 
this will not work in IE9 and below versions;
for more info on flexbox see

In the attached image (taken from the layout based on semantic-ui css 
framework on which I'm working in these days ) you will see the resulting 

Il giorno lunedì 7 marzo 2016 19:39:55 UTC+1, Viator ha scritto:
> Hello dear knowers!
> I tried the whole day to create a form with a checkbox with its label on 
> the  left side instead of on the right side.
> But with no success. So far I ended up with a field as simple string and 
> the option to select 'yes' or 'no'. But in this case the confirmation does 
> not work. The dialog pops up but no matter if I chosse OK or Cancel the 
> value of the fied will be changed.
> I also tried to create the entire form with DIV() and styles wich worked 
> but I had to to all the design by hand. So I thought I will use 
> SQLFORM.factory which does a great job but I could not figure out how to 
> place the label of the checkbox on the left side.
> Please, could someone push me into the right direction?
> Thank you, Thorsten

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