
I am having a problem with my login form

I have a login form on my index page.

If a user enters wrong pass there is no error msg only page is reloaded

Any suggestion? Thank you

My controller:

def index():

   # If user is not logged in
    if not auth.is_logged_in():
        db.auth_user.email.widget = lambda f,v: 
SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget(f, v, _placeholder='Enter your email address')
        db.auth_user.password.widget = lambda f,v: 
SQLFORM.widgets.password.widget(f, v, _placeholder='Enter your password')
        return dict(formLogin = auth(), loggedIn = False)

    "brez sc_menu_data ker ga ne rabmo"
    scripts = db((db.auth_user.id == auth.user_id) & 
(db.scripts.sc_organization == db.auth_user.organization) 
        ).select(db.scripts.id, db.scripts.sc_status, db.scripts.sc_cal_start, 
db.scripts.sc_cal_end, db.scripts.sc_name, db.scripts.sc_modified,
        db.scripts.sc_verification_date, orderby = db.scripts.id).as_list()
    for script in scripts:
       sa_start = db(db.script_activity.sa_id_script == 
script['id']).select(db.script_activity.sa_start, orderby = 
~db.script_activity.sa_start, limitby = (0, 1)).as_list()
       script['sa_start'] = sa_start[0]['sa_start'] if sa_start else None
    ##pogledamo še kakšen je status userja (free user itd)
    user = auth.user_id
    #userRegDate = db(db.auth_user.id == 
    userFreeEndDate = db(db.accounting.ac_organization == 
    email = db(db.auth_user.id == 
    org = db(db.auth_user.id == 
    userStatus = db(db.accounting.ac_organization == 
    userType = userStatus.ac_customer
    runStatus = userStatus.ac_run_status
    today =  datetime.datetime.now()

    """"če je trenutni datum manjši od datuma registracije + 30 dni pol je user 
free user
    Drugače se prestavi runStatus na 1 in user ne more več računat, ac_end_date 
se pa poveča za 7 dni"""
    "userFreeEndDate je datum registracije + 30 dni, ki se ga prebere iz baze"

    "newUserRegEndDate je datum registracije + 30 dni, ki se zračuna že na 
začetku + 7 dni, samo se računa iz datuma registracije"

    note = db(db.accounting.ac_organization == 
    """Če je danes večji od konca free user acounta in v polju ac_note ni nič, 
kar pomeni da se mu mail še ni poslal, se runstatus spremeni v 1
    in pošlje se mail, ter new user date se skreira ki je 7 dni kasnej da lahko 
še en teden gleda ne more pa računat"""

    if ((today.date() > userFreeEndDate) and (not note or note is None)):
        "runStatus gre v 1 in in ac_end_Date se poveča za 7 dni, uporabnik ne 
more več dat računat"
        newUserRegEndDate = userFreeEndDate + datetime.timedelta(days=7)
        db(db.accounting.ac_organization == user).update(ac_run_status = 1, 
ac_end_date = newUserRegEndDate)
        runStatus = 1
        #Pošlji mail obema, in to se zapiše v ac_note da se ne pošilja vsakič 
ko kdo klikne F5
        message_content = T('Your Free user account expired. If you are 
satisfied with Woshi and would like to use it more, please contact xxx to 
extend \
                        your subscription. Thank you')
                    subject='Woshi Free user account expired',

        mail.send(to = 'xx',
                  subject= 'User account expired',
                  message = 'User with e-mail address ' + email + ' has expired 
his subscription. Better call him !'
        db(db.accounting.ac_organization == user).update(ac_note = 'Free user 
expiration mail sent.')

        "Če je danes po tem ko ma user konc accounta - tega se ročno nastavla"
    elif ((today.date() > userFreeEndDate) and (runStatus == 1)):

        "User ne more računat zato gre ac_run_status v 0 in user ne more ni 
več, tud ne vid več svojih skript itd."
        db(db.accounting.ac_organization == user).update(ac_run_status = 0)
        runStatus = 0
        #Pošlji mail obema
        message_content = T('Your user account expired. Please contact  to 
extend your subscription and continue using Woshi.')
                    subject='Woshi User account expired',

        mail.send(to = 'xxxx',
                  subject= 'User account expired',
                  message = 'User with e-mail address ' + email + ' has expired 
his subscription. Better call him !')
        db(db.accounting.ac_organization == user).update(ac_note = 'User cannot 
use Woshi anymore. His subscription expired.')

    return dict(loggedIn = True, scripts = scripts, message=T("Hello 
World"),userType = userType, runStatus = runStatus)    

my View (index.hmtl):

{{ if not loggedIn: }}

<div class="row" style="height: calc(100% - 20px); margin-top: 20px;">
   <div class="col-md-4 box-login" >
    <div class="box-shadow margin-bottom-10">
       <h1>{{=T('Log in')}}</h1>
       <div class='bStrapForm'>
       <div class="row padding-10">
          <div class="col-sm-6"><a class="btn btn-success" style="width:100%;" 
href="{{=URL('default', 'user', args='register')}}">{{=T('Sign up')}}</a></div>
          <div class="col-sm-6"><a class="btn btn-warning" style="width:100%;" 
href="{{=URL('default', 'user', args='request_reset_password')}}">{{=T('Forgot 
<!--     <div class="box-shadow margin-bottom-10"> -->
<!--       <h1>References</h1> -->
<!--       <div class='padding-10'> -->
<!--          Mercator, Tuš, SIJ, ... -->
<!--          </div> -->
<!--     </div> -->
   <div class="jumbotron jumbotron-mini margin-top-10 margin-bottom-10">
       <h2>{{=T('Free for 30 days!')}}</h2>
<!--          {{=T('We offer automated worker shift generation for up to 3 
workers free of charge. You will pay when you will grow!')}} -->
      <p><a class="btn btn-info btn-lg" target="_blank" 
href="{{=T('http://www.workerscheduling.com/pricing/')}}">{{=T('More about 
    <!--<div class="margin-bottom-60">-->
       <!--<h1>{{=T('How does it work?')}}</h1>-->
       <!--<div class='padding-10'>-->
            <!--<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 215px;" 
src="//www.youtube.com/embed/PqKNCzQMTAQ" frameborder="0" 
  <div class="col-md-8">
    <div id='fPage_show'>
       <h1>{{=T('Automize your work schedule!')}}</h1>
       <a href="{{=URL('user/register')}}" class="btn btn-success 
btn-lg">{{=T('Try now for free')}}</a>
    <div class="row" id="fPage_content">
       <div class="col-md-4">
          <div class='thumbnail' id="pWorkers">
             {{=T('Set the number of employees for a time periods for each day 
of week and WoShi will schedules your employees into shifts.')}}
       <div class="col-md-4">
          <div class="thumbnail" id="pShifts">
              {{=T('Set the shifts to all workers for all days of the week and 
holidays and WoShi will automatically schedule your employees instead of 
       <div class="col-md-4">
          <div class="thumbnail" id="pAuto">
             <h2>{{=T('Save Money')}}</h2>
                {{=T('You will save time and money using WoShi by reducing the 
number of overtime hours with the same number of employees.')}}

{{ else: }}

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