
 I posted the solution a bit too quickly.
 It indeeds work on the local dev_appserver, but it failed when being
uploaded :

Error 400: --- begin server output ---
Could not compile RE
"/(.+?)/static/_(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)\\/(?!error_handlers)(.+)": invalid
perl operator: (?!

If anybody knows how to allow access of only a part of the static folder to
the application on GAE, I'm interested to hear about it.

Best regards,

On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 12:38 PM Mathieu Clabaut <math...@clabaut.net>

> Hello,
>  I had some difficulties to set up some "routes_onerror" files on GAE. It
> worked perfectly on a local instance, but each time an HTTP exception was
> raised, GAE issued a "file inaccessible" error (status 500).
>  The problem comes from the fact that static files are treated specially
> on GAE and are by default not counted in the applicatin quota and not
> accessible to the application. One solution is the to add
> "application_readable: true" to the static url handler in the app.yaml
> file. But doing this, all static files are counted in the quota.
>  We however can not put the error files outside of the static directory,
> where web2py expect them.
>  So, my solution is :
> In the routes.py put something like:
> routes_onerror= (
>     ('*/503', '/appname/static/_0.0.0/error_handlers/503.html'),
>     ('*/404', '/appname/static/_0.0.0/error_handlers/404.html'),
>     ('*/*', '/appname/static/_0.0.0/error_handlers/default_error.html'),
> )
> (suppress _0.0.0/ if you don't use static asset management).
> And in the app.yaml:
> - url: /(.+?)/static/_(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\/error_handlers/(.+)
>   static_files: applications/\1/static/error_handlers/\3
>   upload: applications/(.+?)/static/error_handlers/(.+)
>   secure: optional
>   expiration: "365d"
>   application_readable: true
> - url: /(.+?)/static/_(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\/(?!error_handlers)(.+)
>   static_files: applications/\1/static/\3
>   upload: applications/(.+?)/static/(?!error_handlers)(.+)
>   secure: optional
>   expiration: "365d"
> Note the use of (?!…) to prevent the regexp to match our error handlers
> file.
> If you don't use static asset management, the code would be :
> - url: /(.+?)/static/error_handlers/(.+)
>   static_files: applications/\1/static/error_handlers/\2
>   upload: applications/(.+?)/static/error_handlers/(.+)
>   secure: optional
>   application_readable: true
> - url: /(.+?)/static/(?!error_handlers)(.+)
>   static_files: applications/\1/static/\2
>   upload: applications/(.+?)/static/(?!error_handlers)(.+)
>   secure: optional
> See
> https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/config/appref#handlers_element
> for documentation about "application_readable" parameter.
> Hope this may help others.
> -Mathieu

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