duplicate, answered 
on https://groups.google.com/d/msg/web2py/aIg2t3ZlyKY/dnU5YYOPAAAJ 

On Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at 10:42:34 PM UTC+2, Matt Bee wrote:
> I have a table with a huge amount of records. There are aprox 3*10^6 
> registers and counting. 
> I need via scheduler delete the older registers, but the criteria of old 
> register is determined by a datetime field: 
> db.define_table('foo', 
>     Field('foo_file',  'upload', required=True, notnull=True, 
> autodelete=True, uploadseparate=True), 
>     Field('foo_date', 'datetime', notnull=True)) 
> Unfortunately there is no relation between id and date (the user/system 
> could put data older than the current date). 
> The system has a controller which shows the lasts 10 registers with the 
> indicated criteria. But the query takes too much time, more than 7 
> seconds just the query. I have also a periodically task archiving the 
> older registers. 
> rows = db().select( orderby=~db.foo.foo_date, limitby=(0, 10)) 
> I need a way in the DAL for indicating the foo_time datefile field 
> should be indexed or similar in order to get fastest queries! :/ I am 
> using mysql. 
> Thanks in advance. 
> -- 
>              .::MAbeeTT::. 
>  mabeett [at] gmail [ dot] com 

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