Hi guys!

What's the right way to use multiple components in a page that poit to
different forms?

It seams I have a problem with the _formkey... I tyied this way:

* in the component controller that is called many times I have defined:

def _iface():

    iface = request.args(0)


    form = SQLFORM.factory(...)

    if form.validate(keepvalues=True, hidden=dict(name=iface),


* in the main view that performs the multiple call I have written
something like:

<div id="myTabContent" class="tab-content">
    {{for n,name in enumerate(net_conf._siter()):}}
        <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade{{=' in active' if not
n else ''}}" id="{{=name}}" aria-labelledby="home-tab">
            <p>{{=LOAD(request.controller, "_iface", extension="load",
args=(name,), ajax=True, target="iface_"+name)}}</p>

if I limit, in the main view, the multiple load to a single one every
thing works fine... If more than one form are loaded only the last
loaded works fine at the first submit.

I hope I've given enough information to understand.

Thank you very mutch.


    Manuele Pesenti

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