Well, in the interest of trying out the wiki again, I tried to reinstall 
web2py from the "source" site download.  All went well.  I made sure all 
was well with permissions (www-data on Debian Wheezy) and with the SSL 
stuff including the admin password file.  Also the wsgi handler file was 
copied into the root. 

I went to the site in the browser.  The Welcome page came up fine.  No 
errors.  I clicked on the administration button and it accepted my admin pw 
fine.  I created a new app, modified the default.py to reference the wiki, 
and went to the wiki with no errors.

Next I tried to create a new user (but if I do not and just try to create a 
page by clicking on the button for that, the same thing happens).  When I 
had entered my info and tried to register that user, I got this internal 

<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> local variable 'gid' referenced 
before assignment

Once this occurred, I could not go back to even the main Welcome page 
without the same error.

So something serious is broken in the auth area.  Can you help me trough 
this please?

By the way, I have tried this as localhost on port 8000 to keep things 
simple and the same is occurring there as when I come in via my FQDN.


On Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 8:00:32 AM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
> But as a shortcut (I am pretty new with python, admittedly), I have tried 
>> some of the referenced appliances in the repo including, finally, outside 
>> the repo,  Instant Press.  It was promising but it simply throws a lot of 
>> exceptions as you start to use it.  It also has not been maintained and 
>> will not run without a lot of errors on the latest web2py (like KPax2, just 
>> doesn't run any longer).
>> None of the CMS-like apps work currently on web2py  having not been 
>> maintained for years.  Where is that "backwards compatibility" when you 
>> need it?
> I don't think there is an actively maintained CMS app/framework for 
> web2py, so you would have to implement the functionality you desire using 
> the base web2py framework.
> Regarding backwards compatibility, it is hard to say what is going on 
> without seeing any of the errors. In some cases, it is possible that the 
> original code relied on experimental features or undocumented behavior 
> rather than the public API (only the public API is guaranteed to remain 
> backward compatible). If there are legitimate cases of backward 
> compatibility violations, they will likely be addressed, so feel free to 
> report any you encounter.
> Anthony

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