@Gael Princivalle , good code, you could to post this code in GitHub , so 
everybody could see your code and can improvement them.

Em terça-feira, 26 de julho de 2016 16:32:12 UTC-3, Gael Princivalle 
> Sure Ron I can share.
> In a few words on each select I've add a call to a javascript function 
> that say which select has been change, for avoiding to call an update on it:
> onchange="update_data('from_cm2')"
> The update_data function call by ajax all changes:
>         function update_data(from){
>             if (from != 'from_cm1') {
>                 ajax('{{=URL('default','get_options_for_cm1_id')}}', [
> 'search_string','cm1_id','cm2_id','cm3_id','cm4_id','ng'], ':eval');
>             }
>             if (from != 'from_cm2') {
>                 ajax('{{=URL('default','get_options_for_cm2_id')}}', [
> 'search_string','cm1_id','cm2_id','cm3_id','cm4_id','ng'], ':eval');
>             }
>             if (from != 'from_cm3') {
>                 ajax('{{=URL('default','get_options_for_cm3_id')}}', [
> 'search_string','cm1_id','cm2_id','cm3_id','cm4_id','ng'], ':eval');
>             }
>             if (from != 'from_cm4') {
>                 ajax('{{=URL('default','get_options_for_cm4_id')}}', [
> 'search_string','cm1_id','cm2_id','cm3_id','cm4_id','ng'], ':eval');
>             }
>             if (from != 'from_ng') {
>                 ajax('{{=URL('default','get_options_for_ng')}}', [
> 'search_string','cm1_id','cm2_id','cm3_id','cm4_id','ng'], ':eval');
>             }
>             switch (from) {
>                 case 'from_previous':
>                     ajax('{{=URL('default','get_products_grid', vars={'
> from':'from_previous'})}}', ['search_string','cm1_id','cm2_id','cm3_id',
> 'cm4_id','ng'], 'target_data');
>                     break;
>                 case 'from_next':
>                     ajax('{{=URL('default','get_products_grid', vars={'
> from':'from_next'})}}', ['search_string','cm1_id','cm2_id','cm3_id',
> 'cm4_id','ng'], 'target_data');
>                     break;
>                 default:
>                     ajax('{{=URL('default','get_products_grid')}}', [
> 'search_string','cm1_id','cm2_id','cm3_id','cm4_id','ng'], 'target_data');
>             }
>         }
> An example of a get_options:
> def get_options_for_cm1_id():
>     search_string = request.vars['search_string']
>     cm1_id = int(request.vars['cm1_id'])
>     cm2_id = int(request.vars['cm2_id'])
>     cm3_id = int(request.vars['cm3_id'])
>     cm4_id = int(request.vars['cm4_id'])
>     ng = int(request.vars['ng'])
>     criteria = 0
>     query_str = ''
>     if len(search_string) > 0:
>         query_main_str = "(db.products.code.contains('" + search_string + 
> "')) 
> | (db.products.material_number.contains('" + search_string + "')) | 
> (db.products.description.contains('" + search_string + "'))"
>     else:
>         query_main_str = 'db.products.cm1 == db.cm1.id'
>     if cm1_id != 0:
>         cm1 = db.cm1(request.vars['cm1_id'])
>     if cm2_id != 0:
>         cm2 = db.cm2(request.vars['cm2_id'])
>         if criteria > 0:
>             query_str += ' & '
>         query_str += '(db.products.cm2 == cm2.id)'
>         criteria += 1
>     if cm3_id != 0:
>         cm3 = db.cm3(request.vars['cm3_id'])
>         if criteria > 0:
>             query_str += ' & '
>         query_str += '(db.products.cm3 == cm3.id)'
>         criteria += 1
>     if cm4_id != 0:
>         cm4 = db.cm4(request.vars['cm4_id'])
>         if criteria > 0:
>             query_str += ' & '
>         query_str += '(db.products.cm4 == cm4.id)'
>         criteria += 1
>     if ng > 0:
>         if criteria > 0:
>             query_str += ' & '
>         query_str += '(db.products.ng == ' + str(ng) + ')'
>         criteria += 1
>     if criteria > 0:
>         query_str += ' & '
>     query_str += '(db.cm1.id == db.products.cm1)'
>     if request.uri_language == 'it':
>         order_by = 'db.cm1.title_it'
>     else:
>         order_by = 'db.cm1.title_en'
>     cms = db(eval(query_main_str)).select(db.cm1.ALL, orderby=eval(
> order_by), groupby=db.cm1.id, join=(db.products.on(eval(query_str))))
>     html=''
>     #html += query_str
>     html += "<option value='0'>" + T('All') + "</option>" + '&#13;'
>     if request.uri_language == 'it':
>         for cm in cms:
>             html += "<option value='" + str(cm.id) + "' "
>             if cm.id == cm1_id:
>                 html += ' selected'
>             html += ">" + cm.title_it + "</option>" + '&#13;'
>     else:
>         for cm in cms:
>             html += "<option value='" + str(cm.id) + "' "
>             if cm.id == cm1_id:
>                 html += ' selected'
>             html += ">" + cm.title_en + "</option>" + '&#13;'
>     return 'jQuery("#cm1_id").html("%s");' % html # 
> jQuery("#cm1_id").change();
> get_products_grid (that update the div target_data):
> def get_products_grid():
>     #take all vars
>     search_string = request.vars['search_string']
>     cm1_id = int(request.vars['cm1_id'])
>     cm2_id = int(request.vars['cm2_id'])
>     cm3_id = int(request.vars['cm3_id'])
>     cm4_id = int(request.vars['cm4_id'])
>     ng = int(request.vars['ng'])
>     criteria = 0
>     query_str = ''
>     if len(search_string) > 0:
>         query_str += "((db.products.code.contains('" + search_string + "')) 
> | (db.products.material_number.contains('" + search_string + "')) | 
> (db.products.description.contains('" + search_string + "')))"
>         criteria += 1
>     if cm1_id != 0:
>         cm1 = db.cm1(cm1_id)
>         if criteria > 0:
>             query_str += ' & '
>         query_str += '(db.products.cm1 == cm1.id)'
>         criteria += 1
>     if cm2_id != 0:
>         cm2 = db.cm2(cm2_id)
>         if criteria > 0:
>             query_str += ' & '
>         query_str += '(db.products.cm2 == cm2.id)'
>         criteria += 1
>     if cm3_id != 0:
>         cm3 = db.cm3(cm3_id)
>         if criteria > 0:
>             query_str += ' & '
>         query_str += '(db.products.cm3 == cm3.id)'
>         criteria += 1
>     if cm4_id != 0:
>         cm4 = db.cm4(cm4_id)
>         if criteria > 0:
>             query_str += ' & '
>         query_str += '(db.products.cm4 == cm4.id)'
>         criteria += 1
>     if ng != 0:
>         if criteria > 0:
>             query_str += ' & '
>         query_str += '(db.products.ng == ' + str(ng) + ')'
>         criteria += 1
>     if criteria > 0:
>         query_str += ' & '
>     query_str += '(db.products.ecommerce>0)'
>     n_page_rows = 10
>     n_products = db(eval(query_str)).count()
>     n_pages = (n_products / n_page_rows)
>     if n_products % n_page_rows > 0:
>         n_pages += 1
>     if (request.vars['from'] == 'from_previous') & 
> (session.current_first_product 
> > n_page_rows):
>         session.current_first_product -= n_page_rows
>     elif (request.vars['from'] == 'from_next'):
>         if session.current_first_product + n_page_rows < n_products:
>             session.current_first_product += n_page_rows
>     else: session.current_first_product = 0
>     current_last_product = session.current_first_product + n_page_rows
>     current_product_page = current_last_product / n_page_rows
>     products = db(eval(query_str)).select(limitby=(session.
> current_first_product,current_last_product), orderby=db.products.code)
>     if auth.is_logged_in():
>         discounts=db(db.discounts.user_id == auth.user_id).select(db.
> discounts.ALL)
>     html = ''
>     html += "<div class='left'>" + str(n_products)
>     if n_products > 1:
>         html += ' ' + T('products found')
>     else:
>         html += ' ' + T('product found')
>     '''
>     if request.vars['from']:
>         html += ' ' + request.vars['from']
>     '''
>     html += "</div>"
>     html += "<div class='right'>" + T('Page') + ' ' + str(
> current_product_page) + "/" + str(n_pages) + '</div>'
>     html += "<table class='table table-striped cmtable'>"
>     html += "<thead>"
>     html += "<tr>"
>     html += "<th>" + T('Product code') + "</th>"
>     html += "<th>" + T('Mat. nr.') + "</th>"
>     html += "<th>" + T('Description') + "</th>"
>     html += "<th>" + T('PC1') + "</th>"
>     html += "<th>" + T('PC2') + "</th>"
>     html += "<th>" + T('PC3') + "</th>"
>     html += "<th>" + T('PC4') + "</th>"
>     html += "<th>NG</th>"
>     html += "<th>" + T('Price') + "</th>"
>     html += "<th>" + T('Catalogue') + "</th>"
>     html += "</thead>"
>     html += "<tbody>"
>     for product in products:
>         html+= "<tr>"
>         html+= "<td>" + product.code + "</td>"
>         html+= "<td>" + product.material_number + "</td>"
>         html+= "<td>" + product.description + "</td>"
>         if request.uri_language == 'it':
>             html+= "<td>" + product.cm1.title_it + "</td>"
>             html+= "<td>" + product.cm2.title_it + "</td>"
>             html+= "<td>" + product.cm3.title_it + "</td>"
>             html+= "<td>" + product.cm4.title_it + "</td>"
>         else:
>             html+= "<td>" + product.cm1.title_en + "</td>"
>             html+= "<td>" + product.cm2.title_en + "</td>"
>             html+= "<td>" + product.cm3.title_en + "</td>"
>             html+= "<td>" + product.cm4.title_en + "</td>"
>         html+= "<td>"
>         if product.ng > 0:
>             html += str(product.ng)
>         else:
>             html += '-'
>         html += "</td>"
>         html+= "<td>"
>         if product.special_offer:
>             html+= T('Special offer, contact us.')
>         else:
>             if auth.is_logged_in():
>                 found_discount=False
>                 for discount in discounts:
>                     if discount.brand == product.brand:
>                         xcent_discount=discount.xcent
>                         found_discount=True
>                 if found_discount and product.price_list > 0:
>                     price_str = "{0:.2f}".format(product.price_list * (100 
> - xcent_discount) / 100) + "<small> EUR</small>"
>                     html+= price_str
>                 else:
>                     html+= T('Ask for it')
>             else:
>                 html+= T('login required')
>         html+= "</td>"
>         html+= "<td>"
>         html+= "<a href='" + product.pdf_path + "' target='blank' 
> alt='Download pdf'>Download</a>"
>         html+= "</td>"
>         html+= "</tr>"
>     html += "</tbody>"
>     html += "</table>"
>     html += "<div class='web2py_paginator'>"
>     html += "</div>"
>     return html
> Hope it can help.
> Il giorno martedì 26 luglio 2016 19:49:24 UTC+2, Ron Chatterjee ha scritto:
>> How did you do it? Can you share?
>> On Tuesday, July 26, 2016 at 11:49:52 AM UTC-4, Antonio Salazar wrote:
>>> This is very nice and user friendly!
>>> I noticed it takes a second or more per request. Does the number of 
>>> criteria combinations affect performance?
>>> On Tuesday, July 26, 2016 at 2:26:16 AM UTC-5, Gael Princivalle wrote:
>>>> Done it:
>>>> http://www.hydrover.it/en/search_product
>>>> Thank's again to all the web2py community for the support.
>>>> If someone need to do a similar job I'll be happy to give a help.
>>>> Il giorno mercoledì 13 aprile 2016 17:29:27 UTC+2, Gael Princivalle ha 
>>>> scritto:
>>>>> Hello.
>>>>> I would like to make a grid with some drop down menus for filtering 
>>>>> results.
>>>>> Is there already something that exist ?
>>>>> Thanks.

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