I'm doing a database-heavy app, and one of the things which has bothered me 
a little about web2py is that I can't depend on the Row object generated by 
a query.  Sometimes it has a key for each table of a multi-table join, but 
if the query comes from a single table, there is no table key.  Fine, I'm 
good with that.  It leads to defensive programming on my port like this:

val = None if not k.db_name else row[k.db_name] if not k.table else row[k.

In this case, I'm testing for a value of row with just the field name, if 
that fails then I try the field and the table.  This used to work in the 
good old days because Row would return None for any item not in its 

Now it fails.  In my particular example, the field name k.db_name does not 
exist in the row, but the compound row[db_name][k.table] does.  The code 
never gets that far, returning an exception on the k[db_name] attempt.  Now 
the Row class specifically tests to see if the key is in the Row and then 
throws an expiation at the end if the key isn't found.  When Row was based 
on Storage it did not behave this way, from my recollection.

I'm competent enough to make my code even more defensive, bracketing with 
try:except: and what not.  I'm just curious why the change was made in a 
behavior that may previously been relied upon as a "feature", in essence 
now declaring it as a "bug" and "fixing" it.

-- Joe

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