Hi Massimo,

Thanks for looking into this. I just ran a few tests and I can confirm that 
the leak does repro on Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11.6 (15G1004)) with the 
latest version of pyDAL (16.9) and the HEAD and latest tags for web2py repo 
(https://github.com/web2py/web2py/releases). The leak did not repro from 
the last pypi version of web2py (2.1.1). I ran the program I listed in 
PyCharm on Mac OSX and watched the memory usage using htop installed on the 
Mac using Homebrew.

Here are the detailed results:
1. pyDAL 16.9

from pydal import DAL

def open_close_dal():
   sql = DAL()

if __name__ == '__main__':
   while True:

Memory usage at ~4 mins: 193M 
Memory usage at ~11 mins: 432M 

2. web2py 2.1.1 (pip install web2py==2.1.1)

from gluon import DAL

def open_close_dal():
   sql = DAL()

if __name__ == '__main__':
   while True:

Memory usage at ~5 mins: 16.7M 
Memory usage at ~11 mins: 16.7M 

3. web2py cloned @latest tag from https://github.com/web2py/web2py.git and 
copied the gluon directory to my project in PyCharm.

from gluon import DAL

def open_close_dal():
   sql = DAL()

if __name__ == '__main__':
   while True:

Memory usage at ~4 mins: 187M 
Memory usage at ~11 mins: 398M 


On Monday, November 7, 2016 at 5:52:17 PM UTC-8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> I run your code on a Mac and I was unable to reproduce the leak. I invite 
> others to try with different OSes and DAL version. It will help debug it.
> On Monday, 7 November 2016 19:48:35 UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Thank you for your help. We will investigate....
>> Any chance you can try if the leak exists with the DAL in web2py stable?
>> On Friday, 4 November 2016 21:34:52 UTC-5, Sukhmeet Toor wrote:
>>> Hi web2py-users,
>>> I have an application that runs on CherryPy (v8.1.2) on Ubuntu (14.04.5 
>>> LTS) and python 2.7.6. I use standalone pyDAL (v16.09) to connect to my 
>>> MySQL DB on AWS RDS. I'm seeing a constant memory leak on my servers which 
>>> causes the process to use up 100% of RAM in a few hours and eventual die a 
>>> painful death (no SWAP enabled; enabling SWAP pushes back certain death a 
>>> little). 
>>> I have managed to reproduce the leak with a very small loop that 
>>> repeatedly opens and closes the DAL object. I confirmed that memory 
>>> continues to grow using htop and will eventually end up using 100% of RAM. 
>>> I thought it was an MySQL adapter specific problem but I was able to repro 
>>> it with the default sqlite adapter as well. 
>>> from pydal import DAL
>>> def open_close_dal():
>>>    sql = DAL()
>>>    sql.close()
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>    while True:
>>>       open_close_dal()
>>> I read some really old threads on this issue that suggested calling 
>>> sql._adapter.close() or sql._adapter.close_all_instances() or del sql but 
>>> it doesn't seem to make a difference. I've tried tracking down the memory 
>>> leak and managed to confirm that it is the guts of the DAL that are 
>>> leaking. One iteration of the loop, with pympler.tracker enabled reports 
>>> these objects created:
>>>                                        types |   # objects |   total size
>>> ============================================ | =========== | ============
>>>                                         dict |         672 |    423.38 KB
>>>                                         list |        3525 |    354.35 KB
>>>                                          str |        2851 |    162.49 KB
>>>              <class 'collections.OrderedDict |         129 |    135.02 KB
>>>                                         code |         585 |     73.12 KB
>>>           <class 'pydal.dialects.MetaDialect |          32 |     28.25 KB
>>>             <class 'pydal.parsers.MetaParser |          17 |     15.01 KB
>>>                                         type |          16 |     14.12 KB
>>>   <class 'pydal.representers.MetaRepresenter |          16 |     14.12 KB
>>>                                        tuple |         168 |     12.85 KB
>>>           <class 'pydal.dialects.sqltype_for |         178 |     11.12 KB
>>>                                      weakref |          89 |      7.65 KB
>>>                                          int |         258 |      6.05 KB
>>>          <class 'pydal.representers.for_type |          49 |      3.06 KB
>>>                              function (wrap) |          25 |      2.93 KB
>>> Is this a known issue? I've been pulling out my hair with this for a few 
>>> days now and would love any insight into it. 
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Sukhmeet
>>> p.s. Older threads on this topic, which no solution that worked for me: 
>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!newtopic/web2py/web2py/hmsupVHdDHo
>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5539722/standalone-web2py-dal-with-pyramid-requests-threads-and-memory

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