Actually we try be compliant. whete is the empty form? there should
not be any.

On Jul 3, 6:17 pm, Jonathan Lundell <> wrote:
> On Jul 3, 2009, at 1:48 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> > with that looks like this:
> I'm new to the web2py game, so pardon me if this is a settled question.
> I'm wondering whether you wouldn't want to try to do stuff like this  
> in an (x)html-compliant manner. Neither an empty <form> nor an empty  
> <style> is permitted, for example.
> I realize that web2py isn't entirely compliant anyway, but might we  
> not work in the direction of compliance?
> > On Jul 3, 3:40 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> >> sheet['cell_name'].size=4 # is the default. You will have to change  
> >> it
> >> for every cell or change it in
> >> Here is a much better index html that makes it look more like Excel:
> >> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> >> <style>
> >> /*
> >>    the code in this page is here just to provide an example
> >>    none of the css markup and script is required for the sheet to
> >> function
> >>    it is required to make it look good and can be further customized
> >> */
> >> .sheet td {
> >>     text-align: left;
> >>     vertical-align: top;
> >>     padding: 0 0 0 0;
> >>     border: 0 0 0 0;
> >>     spacing: 0 0 0 0;}
> >> .sheet input {
> >>     border: 0;}
> >> td.colhead, td.rowhead {
> >>     background-color: #bbbbbb;
> >>     padding-left: 5px;
> >>     padding-right: 5px;}
> >> td.rowhead {
> >>     width: 30px;
> >>     text-align: right;}
> >> </style>
> >> <form>
> >>   <div class="sheet">
> >>   <table>
> >>     <tr>
> >>       <td class="colhead" id="selected_cell"></td>
> >>       <td colspan="{{=sheet.cols}}">
> >>         <input readonly id="formula" size="{{=6*sheet.cols}}px"/>
> >>       </td>
> >>     </tr>
> >>     <tr>
> >>       <td class="colhead"></td>
> >>       {{for c in xrange(sheet.cols):}}
> >>       <td class="colhead">c{{=c}}</td>
> >>       {{pass}}
> >>     </tr>
> >>     {{for r in xrange(sheet.rows):}}
> >>     <tr>
> >>       <td class="rowhead">r{{=r}}</td>
> >>       {{for c in xrange(sheet.cols):}}
> >>       <td class="cells">
> >>         {{=XML(sheet.nodes['r%sc%s'%(r,c)].xml())}}
> >>       </td>
> >>       {{pass}}
> >>     </tr>
> >>     {{pass}}
> >>   </table>
> >>   </div>
> >> </form>
> >> <script>
> >>   function update_formula(t) {
> >>      if(t) {
> >>       jQuery('#selected_cell').html(jQuery(t).attr('id'));
> >>       jQuery('#formula').val(jQuery(t).val());
> >>      } else {
> >>       jQuery('#selected_cell').html('');
> >>       jQuery('#formula').val('');
> >>      }
> >>   };
> >>   jQuery('.cells input').focus(function(){update_formula(this);});
> >>   jQuery('.cells input').keyup(function(){update_formula(this);});
> >>   jQuery('.cells input').blur(function(){update_formula(null);});
> >> </script>
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