
I made my personal website with web2py a month or two ago. I's a dating 
website and I haven't encountered any problems, although I have not had the 
need to scale or anything just yet. 

I've made a blog template for a client and I want to share it with anyone 
that may be interested so that they can worry about the content of their 
website and not the inner workings. The blog is located at 
<http://hypenews.pythonanywhere.com>*. You can create posts, edit comments, 
and change your categories/slideshow image at 

If anyone has any feedback or ideas that I could add into it then I'd 
appreciate that. I'm actively maintaining it. 

I intend for it to be open source on github, but I don't know how to push 
an app to github. Can Someone give me the steps or point me to something 
that I can read? 

Please note that this app is hosted for free at the moment just so others 
can see a finished product. it expires in 3 months. i'll continue to use it 
in conjunction with my own website though. 

Blog - *hypenews.pythonanywhere.com* <http://hypenews.pythonanywhere.com/>
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