I want to write a query in web2py. The purpose of this query is to return 
all users that belong to a user group specified in the query. The 
additional data I want with each user is his organization (if any), 
managing_countries (if any), and shops (if any). Note that a user might 
*either* own a shop or work in an organization, but not both. A person 
working in an organization will also have a record in the 
managing_countries table.
I wrote a query but I did not get the desired results. It is returning data 
even when it is not present, so I think a left outer join is required here.

auth_managing_countries = db(db.managing_countries.user_id == auth.user.id).
user_role_clause = ((db.auth_group.role == UserGroups.employee) |
                            (db.auth_group.role == UserGroups.owner))
auth_id_clause= user_role_clause &\
                            (db.auth_group.id == db.auth_membership.group_id
) &
                            (db.auth_membership.user_id == db.auth_user.id)
customer_country_clause = ((db.shop.country.belongs(auth_managing_countries
)) &
                           (db.user_shop.shop_id == db.shop.id) &
                           (db.user_shop.user_id == db.auth_user.id))
query = auth_id_clause & customer_country_clause


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