
The code I am using is as below - I have 'Approve Selected Corporates', 
'Reject Selected Corporates', 'Approve All Corporates' and 'Reject All 
Corporates' buttons working in the selectable list. I am changing 
corp_approved boolean column to True or False as per the button on which 
user clicks. I want to add 'Approve Filtered Corporates' and 'Reject 
Filtered Corporates' buttons to this which will change the status of only 
those records which are displayed on applying the search functionality. 
Please let me know how this can be done:

def ps_corpapproval():
    request_id = 10
    i = 1
    def approve_corp(ids):
        if not ids:
            response.flash = 'Please select a corporate to approve'
            for row in ids:
                db(db.ps_corporate_list.id == row).update(corp_approved = 
        return ''
    def reject_corp(ids):
        if not ids:
                response.flash = 'Please select a corporate to reject'
            for row in ids:
                db(db.ps_corporate_list.id == row).update(corp_approved = 
        return ''
    def approve_all(ids):
        db((db.ps_corporate_list.request_id == request_id) & 
(db.ps_corporate_list.merchant_id == i)).update(corp_approved = True)
        return ''
    def reject_all(ids):
        db((db.ps_corporate_list.request_id == request_id) & 
(db.ps_corporate_list.merchant_id == i)).update(corp_approved = False)
        return ''
    corp_form = 
deletable = False, create = False, editable = False, csv = False, paginate 
= False, selectable = [('Approve Selected Corporates', lambda ids: 
approve_corp(ids)),('Reject Selected Corporates', lambda ids: 
reject_corp(ids)), ('Approve All Corporates', lambda ids: 
approve_all(ids)), ('Reject All Corporates', lambda ids: reject_all(ids))], 
orderby = ~db.ps_corporate_list.spends, maxtextlength = 200)
    return dict(corp_form = corp_form)


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