I found a similar issue with a db.py module with code like this in it...

from gluon.packages.dal.pydal import DAL, Field
    db = DAL("sqlite://storage.sqlite")
        Field("myid", default=DEFAULT_VALUE, length=15),
        Field("name", default=DEFAULT_VALUE, length=15),
        Field("code", default=DEFAULT_VALUE, length=2),

every time the application was accessed the memory grew a little bit as if 
these objects were never garbage collected after the http response was 
sent.  Is my assumption that this should be garbage collected incorrect? 
 If I let it run long enough I did run out of memory so it was never 
cleaned up.

I am relatively new to web2py, I feel I must be missing something obvious 
or this would be reported often.

On Friday, December 24, 2010 at 4:16:24 PM UTC-8, David Zejda wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> My web2py instance gradually eats memory, during day the consumption
> grows up to several gigs, so I have to restart often. According to guppy
> most of memory is occupied by gluon.dal.Field and other classes of dal:
> Partition of a set of 3231760 objects. Total size = 443724152 bytes.
>  Index  Count   %     Size   % Cumulative  % Kind
>      0 113419   4 189636568  43 189636568  43 dict of gluon.dal.Field
>      1 1324208  41 80561096  18 270197664  61 str
>      2 328642  10 15982732   4 286180396  64 tuple
>      3  26637   1 13851240   3 300031636  68 dict of
> gluon.validators.IS_IN_DB
>      4  98796   3 13436256   3 313467892  71 dict of gluon.dal.Set
>      5  20042   1 13344464   3 326812356  74 dict (no owner)
>      6   8199   0 11860464   3 338672820  76 gluon.dal.Row
>      7  16615   1 11482224   3 350155044  79 gluon.dal.Table
>      8  63682   2  8660752   2 358815796  81 dict of gluon.dal.Query
>      9 137779   4  7363776   2 366179572  83 list
> <2282 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>
> The proportion is relatively stable. It seems that model definition
> remains in memory after each request. It is probably caused by a weird
> reference, but I'm not sure how to track it. Please do you have any ideas?
> Thanks :)
> David
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
> iEYEARECAAYFAk0VN9gACgkQ3oCkkciamVFHHwCfWiIkmrH9buBYA/7HvgIbz+mR
> ei0AniZ0UYwZtj9zagp2sx/IawmBE2iA
> =9cqX

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